Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Jesus. Hope she gets charged under some good samaritan law.
Im sure that doesnt apply in whatever country that is and if it does then it probably doesn't extend to a "servant" :smh: when I miss out on shoes and start feeling like the most unlucky person in the world, stuff like this reminds me that alot of people would kill to be worried about the trivial things we get upset over.
Probably should mention she survived with a broken arm and a few broken ribs 
Those maids and all other labor workers getting treated like ish in those countries and not a damn thing happens to their owners/employers.

I've read stories of them being beaten beyond recognition, burn with acid and other things that cause deformities to their bodies and faces.

A lot of times it's done by the wives of these rich men that employ these workers.

Animals bruh just straight up evil acts they do just to do.

Permanently disfiguring someone because you weren't in the mood or were having a bad day :smh:
Cruel woman. And hearing the maid survived made me it a little less depressing but to play devil's advocate....

Forget it. Typing it out made me realize I'm an idiot. :x
This is the real question?

How do you get to a point in life where you'd rather be dead, go all the way to the edge then change your mind?
13 Year Old Dies After Being Struck by Train While Retrieving Cell Phone

Following the fatal incident, CBS 2 asked random New Yorkers if they would venture down onto the subway trackbed to retrieve a lost device. "I might go for it,” one woman said. “I would have to go for it. My phone is like my best friend.”

RIP but people are really putting their lives on the line for cell phones?
Whatt's the deal with all these people getting caught slipping by trains!?!?
How does that even happen!?!? Even a subway train you can tell quite a bit ahead when it's coming. :smh: R.l.P.
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I mean, wait til a train comes and when it leaves then try? Its dangerous no matter what but to hop down and up should take 10 seconds if youre in mild shape.
I sympathize with her and her family but at 13 years old I feel like you should know not to **** around on the train tracks.

Agree but at 13 none of us were as bright as we thought. And this was highly avoidable but also something I could see a person her age doing more than any other age. Especially this generation they don't grasp reality of situations as well as past generations or at least it seems that way to me. Too much living through and for their phones got their brains fried. I know I'm making excuses but 13 still a child in my book and children do dumb ****.
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This is the real question?

How do you get to a point in life where you'd rather be dead, go all the way to the edge then change your mind?

Here is a relevant article you might find interesting. Some survivors have even been quoted regretting their decision mid-air.

 People who survived suicide attempts by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge often regret their decision in midair, if not before. Said one survivor: “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped.”
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@Diego come get your peoples :smh:


Slighty used? :lol:

Seriously though, who uses something like that? That is some depraved ****.

Why get involved for minimum wage and something that's insuranced

Exactly! I'm not security, or loss prevention why the hell would I try and stop somebody from stealing **** that is insured. Especially when I don't know what that person is holding. I'm not stabbed, shot, or beat to protect company property :smh:

Very true. ^^^

Just not sure I could let a female take on 3 dudes and just watch but that's just me. :\

Tell her to fall back, and remind her she doesn't own any of that ****. That is the best thing you could do. Why buck for company merchandise, it makes no sense especially when their faces are on camera. They will be caught soon enough. Can they even use the items they stole? I'm sure it can all be traced anyway.

Well, since we talking about guns. How bout a fool wyldin with a gun?

He shouldn't even be near a gun they way *****ed up before. These fools kill me with that tough guy ********. Bunch of cornballs :x

Only Fubu I had was the rayon Fat Albert button down I got as a gift from my grandmother.
The only time I wore it was to traffic court as a joke. :tongue:
Never liked Fubu even when it was semi-poppin.


I don't know if there is any hope for a dude like this, :lol:. 5 yrs not a hello, hey, wassup and she just comes back and has the balls to ask for 3stacks? I'm sure she gassed him a little, but once she fixed her mouth to ask for money he should have seen the red flags.

Dude should have dangled that carrot in front of her, smashed and said sorry shorty funds is low. I'll hit you up in 5 yrs when they high again.

She would rather get those E-props than to help. Not cool.

How did the lady get there in the first place?

I sympathize with her and her family but at 13 years old I feel like you should know not to **** around on the train tracks.

These kids today are more book smart but lack social awareness. and common sense. To them their phones are literally their entire life. They would feel helpless and lost without. Some adults are the same way too. Its sad what happened nonetheless.
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On a funnier note...
Some out of touch Uber driver tries to clown Andy Milinakis on his career and tell him what he needs to do and it backfires :lol:
Starts around 4:30

He kinda got Andy in his feel tho.:rofl:
the uber driving not wrong tho. I understand his point of view ... If anything the uber just did him a favor. In addition this not I taking about hip-hop and chief keef in the same sentence. Seems to me that he doesn't know **** himself.

I live a couple blocks from here and pass this place on my way to the gym like every day

I swear there's been an uptick in incidents like this since they opened up a new train linking Downtown LA with SM. All the crazies are flocking to the beach :lol:
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