Footage of Canseco against 7'2 Korean dude

Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

anyone know how much he got for this fight?

I've heard a few times it was six figures, but that's hard for me to believe.

It was a good night of fights until Miller/Jacare. I stayed up way too late to watch that %*!+.
Originally Posted by rocksfan25

It was a good night of fights until Miller/Jacare. I stayed up way too late to watch that %*!+.

i tried give people the heads up in the mma thread about the event.

i was watching the fights at work and my shift ended right before the mayhem/jacare fight. glad i missed it cuz i heard it ruined the card.
I've watched this many times, and this thing is just creepy, funny, but also sad. I never thought Jose Canseco would be doing stunts like this. I hadthis dude giving his speech at Cooperstown.

@ the Korean dude.

@ JC assuming the fetal position.
Am I the only person who doesnt think he got destroyed? It wasnt as bad as people made it seem. He lost yeah, but he didnt lose that badly.
Ehh.. Hope to see this joker at the casino again.

Wonder if he's gonna talk about it... hell, I wonder if he'll be playing bigger limits.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by only 2three

sorry to hijack the thread but I couldn't� help it... FEDOR, the greatest ever!!

This one >>>> that one
This dude lost to Cro Cop by getting kicked in the knee.

Only reason Hong Man took this was to get another W on his MMA record, which wasn't going anywhere.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Am I the only person who doesnt think he got destroyed? It wasnt as bad as people made it seem. He lost yeah, but he didnt lose that badly.

I agree for a MLB'er with a soft chin he lasted alot longer than I thought he would and he caught him w/ that first overhand right (hail mary/prayer). Hedidn't really take that much damage and got paid, tapped like a girl you could tell that all those lil' jabs big dude was catchin' him with werehurting him alot mor than they should've, I wish he would've of got KTFO
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