claims I won $500 gift Card...

Sep 22, 2012
I went to something popped up saying they only select 8 winners for $500 gift card. it said I am the last winner for the day. It said enter your mobile phone number. I did then it then it said said we sent a pin to your phone. There was a countdown timer saying I have 100 and somthing seconds to enter the pin that I recieved on my phone.I got the pin entered it on the website then it took me somewhere else called quality health . com where there was a form to sign up for complimentary offers. This ever happened to anyone else?. Was this a scam / fake?
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Dudes actually fall for this stuff. 
Forget it guys it was a scam. Kinda nervous now I typed in my mailing addresss and Name and phone number and hit the submit. I just hope they dont sell my information to someone(s)
I got real gullable when I seen the picture of a FL $500 gift card. I didn't even think about it being a scam since It popped up as soon as I hit got even more excited once I entered my phone number then heard my phone beep immediately. All I was thinking about was $500 worth of free clothes and sneakers 
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It's ok, it's all of us fall for those sometimes . . . I'm lying. Just tryna make you feel better :lol:
Bro i won a cruise last week!
And a hummer the week before!
and a $5,000 shopping spree today!!

I gave them all my CC info and Social Security number too but haven't heard back. I think the internet must be broke
Come on man, you gotta be smarter than this.

I deal with this stuff everyday. Old employees clicking on any link they see and then emailing me asking what happened when their computer and emails starts acting up.
damb bro, sweet come up. Hey if you're ever in the area, I have a business proposition for and a few fellas are forming a development purchasing company, bridges and such. skreem at meh brah
Forget it guys it was a scam. Kinda nervous now I typed in my mailing addresss and Name and phone number and hit the submit. I just hope they dont sell my information to someone(s)
Nah son they gonna sit on it till the resale value goes up. 
If you didnt see them marketing on twitter, most defintey fake lol. Thats how the get all info out these days :wink:
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