For NTrs who girl/wife make more money than them.


Nov 29, 2007
how do you feel?
does she ever make subtle jabs at you about it every now and then?
you the boss or is she the boss?
My wife makes $2.00 more per hour than I do. I guess there is always some part of my manhood that wishes I was the top breadwinner, but alas, it is not thecase. She never makes any sort of comment about it, and honestly it is really a non-starter. To your last most men will tell you, she thinks sheis the boss, but I know better, wink wink.
i been earned my girl respect, she j ust gave me her check/
i did it cause im a mack tho, not because i need chips
I'm cool with it. My case is a little different though, cuz my girl is 4years older than me. I was holding her down before she had the job though, so sheappreciates what I bring to the table.
The girl im w/ right now is probably gonna be the girl i marry. Im majoring in education, and she plans on going to law school
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

how do you feel?
does she ever make subtle jabs at you about it every now and then?
you the boss or is she the boss?
honestly as long as you guys are pretty close to each other in terms of what you make, i dont think that it is an issue for either party.
but if you're making 60k & she's making 125k then i might have an issue with that, but that would only make me try harder to up my salary
and if she took jabs & me about it, i'd simply tell her if she doesnt think i make enough money, then she can go find someone else.
if its really that big of a deal to her that she makes more than you, then she seems to be a gold digger at least slightly.

not to mention there really shouldnt be a boss in any serious relationship, all major monetary decisions should be made together with equal input
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

how do you feel?
does she ever make subtle jabs at you about it every now and then?
you the boss or is she the boss?
honestly as long as you guys are pretty close to each other in terms of what you make, i dont think that it is an issue for either party.
but if you're making 60k & she's making 125k then i might have an issue with that, but that would only make me try harder to up my salary
and if she took jabs & me about it, i'd simply tell her if she doesnt think i make enough money, then she can go find someone else.
if its really that big of a deal to her that she makes more than you, then she seems to be a gold digger at least slightly.

not to mention there really shouldnt be a boss in any serious relationship, all major monetary decisions should be made together with equal input


lol id ask her what she wants me to cook for dinner instead, an ill call her when its ready.

that was based off the 60k/125k example you used.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

My wife makes $2.00 more per hour than I do. I guess there is always some part of my manhood that wishes I was the top breadwinner, but alas, it is not the case. She never makes any sort of comment about it, and honestly it is really a non-starter. To your last most men will tell you, she thinks she is the boss, but I know better, wink wink.

The delta in you and your wife's income is not that serious.

I think the thread starter was referring more to a situation like this.

Your wife is a physician or businesswomen who makes 150k/year,

You are a blue collar type worker making 50k per year. Tyler Perry made a movie about this situation. I think the guy was a construction worker for the samecompany that his wife has a top accountant for.
my mom makes more than my dad...but he controls the money for the most part...i've never heard them arguing about who makes more...just when she used tospend to they are about even if not even...
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

how do you feel?
does she ever make subtle jabs at you about it every now and then?
you the boss or is she the boss?
honestly as long as you guys are pretty close to each other in terms of what you make, i dont think that it is an issue for either party.
but if you're making 60k & she's making 125k then i might have an issue with that, but that would only make me try harder to up my salary
and if she took jabs & me about it, i'd simply tell her if she doesnt think i make enough money, then she can go find someone else.
if its really that big of a deal to her that she makes more than you, then she seems to be a gold digger at least slightly.

not to mention there really shouldnt be a boss in any serious relationship, all major monetary decisions should be made together with equal input


lol id ask her what she wants me to cook for dinner instead, an ill call her when its ready.

that was based off the 60k/125k example you used.
i just read what i posted again. & that needs to be changed. I would nottell her to find someone else. I'd cook her dinner like you said, then i'd give her a massage & just give her a nice night of relaxation for her.

iono what i was thinkin when i typed that
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

i wouldn't mind it.

i really wouldn't mind being a house husband, either.

picture a show like house husbands of Atlanta.

i wouldnt mind that either.
my mom makes more than my dad and as far I ever knew it was never an issue.

I wish my wife made more than I did so I could go into chill status. But when we move back to the US she is planning to go back to school for pharmacy. Somaybe then she will and I will have all the knew gadgets. But I don't think it would be an issue with us. Not with me anyways. We're strong so Ican't see it.
I'd feel like less of a man if I was complacent with an average-paying job while my wife/girl earned more and continually tried to improve her career.
I make more then her right now bc shes still in college.

She plays ball so when shes not playing shes a waitress.

But shes goin to law school next year ... So Im trying to get my weight up so I can atleast say I made more then you for ** yrs.

I hope she makes 100 times more then me, I would not care at all.
well i make more, but her parents are rich so she gets a 400/week allowance, which stunts on my paycheck.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

If you're married and doing it the right way, its all one income anyways.
yea but there would be always be that little part of me that was jealous. But i think it would be a good thing because it would just motivate meto work harder 2 earn more
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

If you're married and doing it the right way, its all one income anyways.
yea but there would be always be that little part of me that was jealous. But i think it would be a good thing because it would just motivate me to work harder 2 earn more
if it aint within your pay grade, it just aint within your pay grade. No use working harder when you won't catch up, or if you do you'llbe dead dog tired.
I wish i had the problem of my chick making more then me, that would be a good problem to have as far as im concerned. See, right now my lady stays athome with our son so i pay for everything. I'm also self employed so when the money isnt coming in as fast as i think it should, frankly it sucks. Nowwhile i have no problem doing it, sometimes i think how much nicer it would be if we had a 2nd income, and if that 2nd income made more then i made i think iwould be elated.
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