For those of you that went to Community college first

Jan 7, 2003
Where'd you go and for how long? One or two years? Where did you transfer to? What courses should I take? I know most people say its good to get throughyour english and math courses while at a community college. I plan on majoring in Industrial design or graphic design when I transfer to college so whatcourses should I take as far as that's concerned? Thanks fellas. Your help is greatly appreciated.
3 and a half for me at a jc. would have been 3 had i paid attention to what i was doing. one semester burned on account of PE
Good ol' De Anza College- 2 years. Transferred to UCLA.

People who transfer from community college after a year are insane.
Was it diffucult transferring? I heard that not all colleges accept the course work you've taken at a community college. I heard they're realnitpicky. Keep the replies coming. Thanks guys.
I went to CC and got ALOT of my gen ed courses done for a fraction of the cost at my current school

I'm glad I got all my math done at a CC cause it was beyond easy

Know where you wanna transfer and pick the appropiate CC, that way it won't be all jacked up when you transfer
CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology,Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)
Do you know what 4-year UNI you want to transfer to? If so, call them up ask to speak with a transfer counselor. They should tell you what classes cantransfer. Look at a degree plan for the major you wish to purse at the 4-year college. Take any credit that will go towards your major while your at the CCsince it is cheaper.
i go to montgomery college in maryland and they transfer more students to Maryland then all the other CC's in Maryland put together. Im studying poli sciand im only in my 2nd semester i plan to transfer after one more semester. The only reason i dont transfer now is the gov. and poli sci major at UMD is limitedenrolment so i want to have the best chance possible.
I'm currently at a CC, in my 4th semester. I messed up 1 semester, so another one to get my Assoicate Degree will do. However, I'm contemplating if Ishould finish because I'm getting frustrated with the personnel at this school. Ultimately, I think I'll end up finishing. My major here is Humanitiesbecause I had no idea what I wanted to do upon leaving High School. That is the reason I went to CC, because I got into Penn State, Rutgers, Stony Brook, andsomewhere else, but didn't want to waste money figuring out my future.

After this, I'll be transferring to get my Bachelors in Biology.

From there, graduate school for Dentistry.

To those that know, can I leave this CC, do 1 semester at another CC, and get my degree?
CC for ur gen ed over a 4 yr school for sheer cost value percredit...than transfer and get extra money for transfering and scholarships if ur GPA is on point. went to bergen CC for 5 semesters
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology, Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)

What CC did you go to? I really want to transfer to UW after 2 years of CC.

Second choice is WSU. then Western WA.
Well, Im in South Florida and My top schools are Florida Atlantic University, University of Florida, USF, UCF, or UNF.
I went to City College of San Francisco for 2 years and a half and I transfered to San Francisco State. The biggest suggestion I can give you is start meetingdifferent counselors and make sure you make some type of Educational Plan. You don't want to waste your time by taking classes that do not transfer or arenot major related but instead see a counselor. Try to network and make your connections because it is super vital for your own good. Trust me!
Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology, Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)

What CC did you go to? I really want to transfer to UW after 2 years of CC.

Second choice is WSU. then Western WA.
Bellevue CC.
It's one of the best if not the best in the state of WA (heard it's looked at highly by the local universities).
Cool, another question. Will I have to take the SAT or ACT again once I've completed the coursework at the community college?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology, Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)

What CC did you go to? I really want to transfer to UW after 2 years of CC.

Second choice is WSU. then Western WA.
Bellevue CC.
It's one of the best if not the best in the state of WA (heard it's looked at highly by the local universities).

Ohh. I was thinking of going to Shoreline since its only a 5 minute drive from my house.

Guess I'm gonna have to consider Bellevue.

Originally Posted by numbah1grimey

Cool, another question. Will I have to take the SAT or ACT again once I've completed the coursework at the community college?

I don't think so. As a transfer student I think they just look at your GPA. Good question.
See, this is what NT is all about. Everybody chiming in with there tidbits and experiences. I really appreciate it guys.
Every question you ask is truly dependant on the school you wish to transfer to. In my case i never had to take the SAT... EVER
I'm currently at a CC right now. I did a semester in California, and this will be my third out in North Carolina. I'm currently awaiting responses fromschools, so if this thread is still around I'll update it when I hear back.

I have a 3.73 GPA, did well in all the classes that were required to transfer for my major (economics/finance). I've taken care of most of my gen-ed whichis a plus. That is what I would recommend taking. Classes like english, math, entry-level science and leave the courses that pertain to your major for thecollege you plan on transferring to.

The schools I applied to were:

USC (Southern Cal)

I was a little skeptical about the CC route, but hopefully I am proved wrong.
Originally Posted by numbah1grimey

See, this is what NT is all about. Everybody chiming in with there tidbits and experiences. I really appreciate it guys.
Lets leave the Full House moments out of this, pal.

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