For those of you that went to Community college first

currently in my 5th semester at a CC. messed up last semester and this semester. looks like i might be here an extra year just cause of that.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology, Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)

92 credits in 2 years?
Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

CC for 2 years -----> University of Washington, #42 ranked school in US News

Got a 3.5 GPA while at the CC [3.2 1st year, 3.8 2nd year]
Took couple levels of math, couple levels of english, 2 history classes, full year of Spanish, economics classes, random stuff like Meteorology, Psychology, Comm 101, Anthropology, Astronomy, Geology, ETC
Every single credit transfered (92 credits)

What CC did you go to? I really want to transfer to UW after 2 years of CC.

Second choice is WSU. then Western WA.
Bellevue CC.
It's one of the best if not the best in the state of WA (heard it's looked at highly by the local universities).

Ohh. I was thinking of going to Shoreline since its only a 5 minute drive from my house.

Guess I'm gonna have to consider Bellevue.

Seattle central FTW!
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

i go to montgomery college in maryland and they transfer more students to Maryland then all the other CC's in Maryland put together. Im studying poli sci and im only in my 2nd semester i plan to transfer after one more semester. The only reason i dont transfer now is the gov. and poli sci major at UMD is limited enrolment so i want to have the best chance possible.

Yo Anleu which MC campus are you at? I was thinking about going to MC out of HS but was against it because I thought it looked dumb. So I went toSalisbury, making the worse decision I could have ever made money wise. Now I am thinking about going back to MC to finish my gen ed's at least then goback to SU or maybe towson or something.

Where did you go to highschool yo. Wheaton, Einstein, Blair? This is KDY over here b.
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