Forbidden Kingdom Unapperciation


Nov 9, 2007
This movie was stupid, wasted 10.50

I mean the actions were pretty tight, but storyline just sucked @!*
I agree with you. The fighting scenes were dope, but the story was straight idiotic. There were some really funny scenes though.
I don't care if the movie sucked. It's rare to see Jet Li and Jackie Chan in the same movie. I'll catch it tomorrow. My co worker told me aboutthat supposed rain scene.
I was supposed to see it with my friends today but I had to recover from the night before. They told me it was better then they thought it would be. I'lljust watch it online or somethin..
around 12.00 around my way.

I enjoyed it.... it had its moments but it did seem like a cheesy kids movies at some parts.

What really got me though was that Sparrow girl referring herself in the third person. I got confused at first.. thought she was talking about someone else.

Also, thought it was just another Karate Kid copy at the beginning. But I wasn't disappointed. It turned out to be what I expected.
damn. i wanted to see this movie too
ill still probably see it though

cant wait for kung-fu panda though
I thought it was decent and entertaining. It has it's cheesy and corny parts but it had it's good moments. If you expected a deep story in this movie,then you will definitely be disappointed. If you are expecting a pretty good fighting movie and to see 2 legends go at it, then it's worth the ticketprice. SPOILER ALERT: I love how they extended the fight between the two and incorporated different styles. Jackie needed to do more runken maste rmovesthough.
Movie was weak, i kept falling asleep during the whole thing, big waste of money...i should have watched the trailers before i went.
This $$++ is cornier than a maize field... I can't believe I endured through that... the fighting was pretty good, but everything else sucked. A white dudeas a main character in China... Everyone else speaking english. Dumbest idea ever. The director deserves to be slapped for coming up with something as stupidas this.
Man, Jet Li and Jackie are nice and all... but we need somebody on that Bruce Lee steez like never ever get hit and just beat everybody's !$*!

No story or anything, just beat that !$* nh. Closest thing to it is Tony Jaa and his movies...
I actually enjoyed the movie... however I enjoyed it more watchin Liu Ye Fei...




Anyone else find her cute?
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Movie was weak, i kept falling asleep during the whole thing, big waste of money...i should have watched the trailers before i went.
don't feel bad, I've seen previews/commercials for this movie and was VERY surprised when the movie started and I found out the actual maincharacter was some white kid
guess Ernie Reyes is too old
i snuck in the movie after harold and kumar, then fell asleep during the movie
the storyline (reminded me of 'dragon wars' *worst movie ever*) was corny as +#[email protected] the martial arts scenes (only part that really matters) werepretty dope. Jackie Chan was funny in this flick and did some good drunken style work.

Definitely not a classic but entertaining nonetheless.....a good rental.
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