If you can get them home safely. Close shop, then you do your count. Hide the rest of the yams at your auntie house.

"Patty cake, patty cake, microwaaave! These suckas make a square, god damn I'm paid! (Haha.)" :pimp:

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Something seems fishy..and this fool has a brick peeled like a bannana smh. Beach n broad day not a person anywhere in pic..
Nahhh somethin ain't right. I kno I wouldn't take all that but....brick or half shrug. I don't think I would walk away empty handed.
Don't believe in distributing harmful substances. Destructive to society. Those of you who would sell it for profit should be ashamed.
Don't believe in distributing harmful substances. Destructive to society. Those of you who would sell it for profit should be ashamed.

Those people would get high one way or another. Consenting adults want what they want, word to Gale Boetticher.
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I wouldn't know what to do with that right away because where I'm from that's like finding an unclaimed winning lottery ticket outside your local corner store.

But Hypothetically speaking If I was to come across something like that,the first thing I would do is not tell a soul about it.Then I would set down a game plan and after that I would begin to break it down into onces and start from there,I would be the once king but I wouldn't want to flood the area or alarm any would be friends or foes,it would be an once here,an once there,just enough to have a little extra spending cash and if I was to get busted It wouldn't be so bad.Get a decent lawyer admit to the judge that I had habit for the past few years that I couldn't stop doing and would he please have mercy on an addicts poor soul.:lol:
Would watch Breaking Bad, Weeds and almost any media dealing with drugs whether it be a tv series, documentary and etc. Then I'll decide what to do next. I'll weigh out the pros and cons but it will ultimately be decided by the question, am I really about that life?
I'm moving this from four fiends away. Not legit fiends but definitely multiple people and levels to the dealing. I'm linking up with shady folks and never being in the same room with them. I've got some boys from high school who moved a little work and I'd hit them up first. No way I would move that work without a consigliere, so if I have to cut people in cool. I'm doing one deal and walking away and praying to not get my head knocked off. I'm also not selling it anywhere near Florida, yall folks saying you're going to sell in Georgia are crazy. I'm taking that work to Indiana or somewhere in the midwest. Them dudes will definitely have their ears to the streets in Georgia and I want no parts of that. You would also never see me in Florida again.

Actually scratch all of that, the thought of ending up someone's ***** in jail is frightening. I can fight off some dudes, but compared to those prison gangs I'm pie. Not trying to comb anyones chest hair

u making bmore look soft.... disconnect your router
:lol: :smh:
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Those people would get high one way or another. Consenting adults want what they want, word to Gale Boetticher.

I'm not sure I would consider consumption of a dangerous substance due to addiction consumption with consent. Even so, you're still providing people with an extremely destructive substance. Perhaps this is hyperbolic, but if someone wanted to commit suicide, would you provide them with means to do so? I doubt it. It's an extreme example but it does shed light on how ridiculous that argument is.

They either gonna choose you or the dude down the street.

Not convinced on that statement, but even if that's true, for the sake of argument, the fact that other people are participating in drug distribution does not absolve you of any moral guilt. Doing something destructive just because other people are doing it is pretty ridiculous. If less people are dealing drugs, drugs will be less available.

Sure, the War on Drugs is highly destructive to society as well, but if people stepped up and did not participate in drug distribution, there would be no need for the war on drugs.

Our society would be a lot better off if people got over this childish obsession with drug dealing.

Realize that posting your kingpin fantasies on an online message board about sneakers is ridiculous.
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Ain't nobody looking for me it's the Internet somebody come looking they gonna needier than a few post on a sneaker website to do anything

You right but I've seen people's Internet post brought up in cases, just sayin.

Hope you don't eva....... eva eva............ eva eva, have this come back on you is all I'm sayin. They be on it.
I don't doubt that when it went down 07-08 they were pulling everything out on us from DVDs , tax returns, doorman , receipts , even that infamous billboard was a focal part of evidence. You just gotta be smart that's all and besides now a days a nun is dirtier than me all my funds come from old old put away money or my square job . But make no mistake if I saw that I picking it up throwing it in the whip and thinking long and hard in what the move is .
I've reached the point in my life where I have nobody to call to help me out with what to do with that if I found it.

Square life :smh:

5 or 6 years ago though :nerd:
I'd hit up Young Scooter since he just came back from Columbia and needs to flood the streets again.

What's 40lbs to a dude moving metric tons?

notsrs would call the cops and get out of there
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