Found me some treasure

Jun 4, 2010
Whatup NT.. I just found a 4 year old disposable camera with the pics maxed out. I'm so excited to get these developed. Anyone have a similar story? I also have an ancient digi cam circa 03' with pics on them. All I have to do is get a battery for that p.o.s. 
I'm 23 btw, so this is going to be going way back into time.

*pics to come when developed
Whatup NT.. I just found a 4 year old disposable camera with the pics maxed out. I'm so excited to get these developed. Anyone have a similar story? I also have an ancient digi cam circa 03' with pics on them. All I have to do is get a battery for that p.o.s. 
I'm 23 btw, so this is going to be going way back into time.

*pics to come when developed
You better hit up a 1 hour photo place and post some up before this thread fails you.
You better hit up a 1 hour photo place and post some up before this thread fails you.

Fine you have 12 hours then she dies!!!

By she i mean this thread of course.

Fine you have 12 hours then she dies!!!

By she i mean this thread of course.
id your 23,and the disposable camera is 4 years old then that means the pics are from when u were 19. that's not going back in time. but cool . I found some stuffed bunnies my mom made for me when I was 7 years old while she was at the hospital, she passed away a week after she did it for me from cancer. I'm 22 years old now and she passed away 95'
id your 23,and the disposable camera is 4 years old then that means the pics are from when u were 19. that's not going back in time. but cool . I found some stuffed bunnies my mom made for me when I was 7 years old while she was at the hospital, she passed away a week after she did it for me from cancer. I'm 22 years old now and she passed away 95'
I will not disappoint unless these pictures are a disapointment. *!@%#... just realized that this camera is actually 6 YEARS OLD, bad news is that it says to develop before 09/2006! Please let there be a way!
I will not disappoint unless these pictures are a disapointment. *!@%#... just realized that this camera is actually 6 YEARS OLD, bad news is that it says to develop before 09/2006! Please let there be a way!
I found an old Motorolla RAZR to use recently overseas. It was my moms and the phone has to be like...six years old. There were pics on there of my dog as a puppy, my little brother when he was nine, and my cousin when she was just a baby. It put a smile on my face
I found an old Motorolla RAZR to use recently overseas. It was my moms and the phone has to be like...six years old. There were pics on there of my dog as a puppy, my little brother when he was nine, and my cousin when she was just a baby. It put a smile on my face
Finding my old iPod with pictures from 06-08 actually took me down memory lane.......and it wasn't even that long ago but, man I miss those years.
Finding my old iPod with pictures from 06-08 actually took me down memory lane.......and it wasn't even that long ago but, man I miss those years.
Next time make the thread after you find out if you can develop the film in the camera.
Next time make the thread after you find out if you can develop the film in the camera.
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