Four dead in East Williamsburg; gunman shot self on roof after killing three others: NYPD

stop and frisk still has me very confused. are these people giving the cops consent to search them? if you don't give them consent they're not suppose to search you, and they can't arrest you for refusing to be searched. can someone who has had this happen explain it to me because i really don't get how it happens when there is an amendment that protects you from illegal search and seizure.
Troll thread. Using these deaths to get on a soapbox over stop/frisk - which wouldn't have prevented anything. Job well done, Nomad.
 One of the problems here is gun control. 

NYC already has extremely strict gun laws.

Also... if it weren't a gun it would have been a knife. UK has a gun ban and your twice as likely to be stabbed over there than you are shot in the US. This is a people problem not a gun problem.
It's so blatant...lulz
I can't imagine how you would hold an adult conversation in real life, hope your conversation skills are as good as you dress, because it's yet to be seen if that's what you're getting from this thread. 
Hipsters are losers, Williamsburg as a "cultural hub" is a joke, it's home to weirdos and trust fund depleted losers who use the cover of "self-expression" to conceal they're poor and made bad choices in life. They're racist, and their irony and smug humor is just an antithesis to cope with cultures and classes that can afford things they cant.

Hipsters are truly disgusting people if you take the time to analyze them closely. 

I'm just happy you didn't make any generalizations.
I'm just happy you didn't make any generalizations.
The pedestrian subculture of wasted youth known as Hipsters has experienced a strong rise in our culture. With hipster fueled events like Coachella and Burning Man reaching new levels of popularity in the mainstream media, you will surely know who they are.

The all too familiar young, urban 20-something-year-olds dressed in skinny jeans, lumberjack shirts and donning thick-rimmed glasses, live in neighborhoods like Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Silver Lake, Los Angeles, and Austin, Texas.

Toting cheesy mustaches and craft beer, the hipster is definitely one person you can easily point out and subsequently choose to avoid. This term, hipster, is hardly new. Its derivation comes from Norman Mailer’s description of middle-class white men who feti****ed jazz culture in the 1920′s, ’30s and ’40s; the term also finds roots in 1958 when Jack Kerouac applied it to the members of the Beat Generation.

For most of the twentieth century, hipster was used as a vague, pejorative term for a person with trendy countercultural interests.


The Generation Y hipsters have been around since about 2000, according to Paste magazine’s“Evolution of the Hipster”  chart. So people who were 18 then are 27 or 28 now. They are a part of our society now. They are now at the age where they have actual jobs where they have to deal with actual adults, which is probably why this cultural niche is popping up on more people’s radar screens.

Here is Elite’s analysis of the hipster trend.

Generation Y douche bags

The Generation Y reincarnation of the hipster counterculture is typically represented by well-off, white boho kids who are entranced by everything Pabst Blue Ribbon, American Apparel and Coachella. While we have a great deal of respect for individuality, we find it incredibly tiresome when the masses of bored suburbia subscribe to a counterculture that they have nothing to do with.

Typically raised in successful families and having attended private schools up until they graduate from college, the hipster finds a way to emulate pedestrian urban icons. With the boredom of suburbia seeping from their pores, the hipster latches onto a trend and rides its wave to a point like no other. With self-assured comments like bohemian tossed around, the hipster thrives off of group assured originality. The find their current wave erases their suburban past, adding a touch of creativity to their mundane lives.


There is something about people acting like children and having what seems to be no real serious problems in their life that irks others.

Imagine this: you nonchalantly decide that your life will be based around a cultural style, rather than a successful career, so you subsequently proceed through a litany of mediocre, minimum wage job with like-minded friends just so you can claim fame of staying original – well, while selling out sours the creative roots of a trend, choosing to never even try is a completely different story. The hipster refuses to subscribe to any position or career that would destroy their cultural reputation.

What started as a group of entitled boho chic kids only a few years ago has quickly become a term used to describe many of the most impactful social and technological happenings of Generation Y. From Instagram, Coachella, skinny jeans to the #Occupyprotests, the quickest term of generalization has become the word, hipster.

The term is a loaded in a condescending way to describe young adults without a substantial focus in their lives. Hipster has recently entered newspapers and media, and has become synonymous with young adults fresh out of college without a solidified career path.


Unfortunate for them, the true hipster is far from the post-graduate looking for employment. The true hipster is 32, works in a skate shop, has mastered all beard growing techniques and can list five distilleries in Bulgaria that you have  to try.

Hipsters killed the American dream

Even though they are young adults, and often college-educated, hipsters possess a certain air redolent of childishness. They are like college-educated babies.

The Yuppies of generation X have passed. These were the kids driven by success and excess; they fought and won their trophies, and hung them proudly on their office wall as symbolized proof of their hard work. Their cultural icon is Gordon Gekko smoking a cuban and taking over Wall Street.

Generation Y? Well, we have the hipster. The kid who shucked trophies and dodgeball because everyone is special and deserves their own gifted program. Everyone feels is a unique snowflake, so we resent being lumped in a group. The hipster does not want to try because success and being number one means he has to disregard or hurt the feelings of someone else to win. Their cultural icon is Paulie Bleeker from Juno, eating popsicles and playing guitar while referencing dead president’s sex appeal to sound intelligent.


Is this not a perversion of the American dream? A group driven by a pursuit for nothingness. Their cultural elitism is the claim that they are less successful than the guy in a suit who supports his family. To them, any hint of corporations, group think, success, wealth, or winning is bad. To them, niche products, dilapidated housing, vintage clothes, sloppy looks and anything thrift is good. They will always apply to retail or low end positions because it enforces their hipster image of not selling out.

But are they really not selling out? Being a hipster is like joining one giant country club where everyone is a member but nobody will admit it. While you may think that Pabst t-shirt is vintage, we all know you bought it from the same boutique website 3 million other hipsters did, too. Their flannel and horned rim glasses looks cool when they happen to walk into Citibank alone, but if you took one step into Williamsburg then you would see the same look on twenty other males.

They wear skinny jeans, ironic handlebar mustaches, V-neck shirts and dumb hats. They wear big glasses — that’s a key thing usually — asymmetrical haircuts, wool caps in the summer, Yasser Arafat scarves [kaffiyehs], American spirit cigarettes, and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon or cheap beer. It’s all about people trying so hard to look like they’re not trying hard. Is this individuality?

Widely recognized as being rich, white trash, these are the people who desperately try to stretch out their adolescence as far as it will go. Hipster may have to do with an attitude or mindset, but it is more about fashion. It’s all about people trying so hard to look like they’re not trying hard.


Is generation X is at fault?

Indulgent parenting has spawned a generation of entitled hipster douche bags. How has such a widespread plague struck our beloved Generation Y? We have grown up amassed in self-entitlement. From the smiley sticker faces on your homework as a child to the participation trophies that are handed out to any person ever dressed in a sports uniform, there has been far too much emphasis placed on our feelings as opposed to the accomplishments an individual reaches in their own life.

Instead of striving for greatness every passing minute of their lives, we have been raised in this bubble of protection and equality. Many parents of Generation X were faced with one option after turning 18 or graduating: living on their own to start their own lives. So they coddled us to vicariously compensate for their strenuous journey to success.

It is sad to say that our parents are solely responsible for raising a bunch of douche bags. Unable to find well-paying work in a weak economy, escalating numbers of young adults – as many as 3 in 10 – are returning home to the family nest, resulting in the highest share of young adults living in multigenerational households since the 1950s, according to a Pew Research Center  report.
I'm just happy you didn't make any generalizations.

The pedestrian subculture of wasted youth known as Hipsters has experienced a strong rise in our culture. With hipster fueled events like Coachella and Burning Man reaching new levels of popularity in the mainstream media, you will surely know who they are.

The all too familiar young, urban 20-something-year-olds dressed in skinny jeans, lumberjack shirts and donning thick-rimmed glasses, live in neighborhoods like Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Silver Lake, Los Angeles, and Austin, Texas.

Toting cheesy mustaches and craft beer, the hipster is definitely one person you can easily point out and subsequently choose to avoid. This term, hipster, is hardly new. Its derivation comes from Norman Mailer’s description of middle-class white men who feti****ed jazz culture in the 1920′s, ’30s and ’40s; the term also finds roots in 1958 when Jack Kerouac applied it to the members of the Beat Generation.

For most of the twentieth century, hipster was used as a vague, pejorative term for a person with trendy countercultural interests.


The Generation Y hipsters have been around since about 2000, according to Paste magazine’s“Evolution of the Hipster”
 chart. So people who were 18 then are 27 or 28 now. They are a part of our society now. They are now at the age where they have actual jobs where they have to deal with actual adults, which is probably why this cultural niche is popping up on more people’s radar screens.

Here is Elite’s analysis of the hipster trend.

Generation Y douche bags

The Generation Y reincarnation of the hipster counterculture is typically represented by well-off, white boho kids who are entranced by everything Pabst Blue Ribbon, American Apparel and Coachella. While we have a great deal of respect for individuality, we find it incredibly tiresome when the masses of bored suburbia subscribe to a counterculture that they have nothing to do with.

Typically raised in successful families and having attended private schools up until they graduate from college, the hipster finds a way to emulate pedestrian urban icons. With the boredom of suburbia seeping from their pores, the hipster latches onto a trend and rides its wave to a point like no other. With self-assured comments like bohemian tossed around, the hipster thrives off of group assured originality. The find their current wave erases their suburban past, adding a touch of creativity to their mundane lives.


There is something about people acting like children and having what seems to be no real serious problems in their life that irks others.

Imagine this: you nonchalantly decide that your life will be based around a cultural style, rather than a successful career, so you subsequently proceed through a litany of mediocre, minimum wage job with like-minded friends just so you can claim fame of staying original – well, while selling out sours the creative roots of a trend, choosing to never even try is a completely different story. The hipster refuses to subscribe to any position or career that would destroy their cultural reputation.

What started as a group of entitled boho chic kids only a few years ago has quickly become a term used to describe many of the most impactful social and technological happenings of Generation Y. From Instagram, Coachella, skinny jeans to the #Occupyprotests, the quickest term of generalization has become the word, hipster.

The term is a loaded in a condescending way to describe young adults without a substantial focus in their lives. Hipster has recently entered newspapers and media, and has become synonymous with young adults fresh out of college without a solidified career path.


Unfortunate for them, the true hipster is far from the post-graduate looking for employment. The true hipster is 32, works in a skate shop, has mastered all beard growing techniques and can list five distilleries in Bulgaria that you have
 to try.

Hipsters killed the American dream

Even though they are young adults, and often college-educated, hipsters possess a certain air redolent of childishness. They are like college-educated babies.

The Yuppies of generation X have passed. These were the kids driven by success and excess; they fought and won their trophies, and hung them proudly on their office wall as symbolized proof of their hard work. Their cultural icon is Gordon Gekko smoking a cuban and taking over Wall Street.

Generation Y? Well, we have the hipster. The kid who shucked trophies and dodgeball because everyone is special and deserves their own gifted program. Everyone feels is a unique snowflake, so we resent being lumped in a group. The hipster does not want to try because success and being number one means he has to disregard or hurt the feelings of someone else to win. Their cultural icon is Paulie Bleeker from Juno
, eating popsicles and playing guitar while referencing dead president’s sex appeal to sound intelligent.


Is this not a perversion of the American dream? A group driven by a pursuit for nothingness. Their cultural elitism is the claim that they are less successful than the guy in a suit who supports his family. To them, any hint of corporations, group think, success, wealth, or winning is bad. To them, niche products, dilapidated housing, vintage clothes, sloppy looks and anything thrift is good. They will always apply to retail or low end positions because it enforces their hipster image of not selling out.

But are they really not selling out? Being a hipster is like joining one giant country club where everyone is a member but nobody will admit it. While you may think that Pabst t-shirt is vintage, we all know you bought it from the same boutique website 3 million other hipsters did, too. Their flannel and horned rim glasses looks cool when they happen to walk into Citibank alone, but if you took one step into Williamsburg then you would see the same look on twenty other males.

They wear skinny jeans, ironic handlebar mustaches, V-neck shirts and dumb hats. They wear big glasses — that’s a key thing usually — asymmetrical haircuts, wool caps in the summer, Yasser Arafat scarves [kaffiyehs], American spirit cigarettes, and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon or cheap beer. It’s all about people trying so hard to look like they’re not trying hard. Is this individuality?

Widely recognized as being rich, white trash, these are the people who desperately try to stretch out their adolescence as far as it will go. Hipster may have to do with an attitude or mindset, but it is more about fashion. It’s all about people trying so hard to look like they’re not trying hard.


Is generation X is at fault?

Indulgent parenting has spawned a generation of entitled hipster douche bags. How has such a widespread plague struck our beloved Generation Y? We have grown up amassed in self-entitlement. From the smiley sticker faces on your homework as a child to the participation trophies that are handed out to any person ever dressed in a sports uniform, there has been far too much emphasis placed on our feelings as opposed to the accomplishments an individual reaches in their own life.

Instead of striving for greatness every passing minute of their lives, we have been raised in this bubble of protection and equality. Many parents of Generation X were faced with one option after turning 18 or graduating: living on their own to start their own lives. So they coddled us to vicariously compensate for their strenuous journey to success.

It is sad to say that our parents are solely responsible for raising a bunch of douche bags. Unable to find well-paying work in a weak economy, escalating numbers of young adults – as many as 3 in 10 – are returning home to the family nest, resulting in the highest share of young adults living in multigenerational households since the 1950s, according to a Pew Research Center

Thanks for posting that! Sounds factual and there are no generalizations in the first paragraph so I read all of it (no I didn't)

You'd be lucky if your married self even got spoken to by one of those females. Probably take a picture from afar then post about how you saw her and fell in love.
Damn!!! This thread is clever.
Read the article and was like 'damn Iranian race thread in disguise, why'd they bring up those kids race so much, nothing to do with murders'

Then I read the posts bout stop and frisk, like oh I see what happened, this is a stop and frisk thread

Then on page 2 the real purpose of this thread shined through, a hipster unappreciation thread

Overall, I great troll thread.

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:wow: I used to work on Maujer St.. crazy. Warma's cafe on Lorimer & Maujer has a top 3 Reuben sandwich in NYC (imho)

There are a lot of poor, desperate hipsters around the area, many of them are into drugs too. Guess somebody was bound to snap eventually

I though these type of junkies dont live in this part of brooklyn anymore because of the rent

Never saw a hipster herion junkie but I know a few hipster coke head pill poppers

I wonder if these guys where into drugs or it was something else that made this guy snap
Hipsters are losers, Williamsburg as a "cultural hub" is a joke, it's home to weirdos and trust fund depleted losers who use the cover of "self-expression" to conceal they're poor and made bad choices in life. They're racist, and their irony and smug humor is just an antithesis to cope with cultures and classes that can afford things they cant.

Hipsters are truly disgusting people if you take the time to analyze them closely. 

Wow my dude just hit the nail on the head about hipster douchebags

But I dont think these guys came from Iran to nyc to become hipster junkies

But one never knows
But I dont think these guys came from Iran to nyc to become hipster junkies

But one never knows
That's exactly what they did, they were true hipsters, they really had a reason to rebel against Iran if you watch their interviews. Creative guys,  I used to hang out around the Bedford area, listen to the bands at Spikehill, Brooklyn Bowl and loft parties. 80% of hipsters are racist, and rehash classist ideals of their wealthy financial superiors who they're too stupid to ever be. Most black hipsters aren't poor but just weird guys and socially awkward and trying to get it in where they fit in. White trust fund hipsters who've been cut off and realize the error in their ways resent blacks and minorities who represent hipster culture to the fullest without even trying. It's a reminder of their fakeness, stupidity and failures. Whites call themselves hipsters when they're confused, broke, and slumming in these enclaves, taking jobs waiting tables, bar-tending or thrift store cashiers.

I posted one their interviews for CNN from years ago, I can almost assure you as this story develops the pressures of assimilation in WHITE WILLIAMSBURG played a significant role in this murder suicide. Sadly this happens all the time in Williamsburg and Greenpoint, murder, rape, suicides it just doesn't make the news. I wonder why.... are trolling hipsters way to hard. One steal your girl? While I agree that the hipster thing is a suburban white kids railing against society, promoting individuality, yet ultimately falling into 'groupthink' themselves. The rhetoric of hate you spew from your keyboard in order to rustle jimmies is dangerous.

Those incidents aren't reported because they happen everywhere, all the time and only the incidents that move stories will get play, you want them to get play, start forcing people to play them by calling to the stations as different peoe asking them to report on them, constantly. are trolling hipsters way to hard. One steal your girl? While I agree that the hipster thing is a suburban white kids railing against society, promoting individuality, yet ultimately falling into 'groupthink' themselves. The rhetoric of hate you spew from your keyboard in order to rustle jimmies is dangerous.

Those incidents aren't reported because they happen everywhere, all the time and only the incidents that move stories will get play, you want them to get play, start forcing people to play them by calling to the stations as different peoe asking them to report on them, constantly.
It's not hate at all, it's true disgust, they are disgusting and the bane of America. 

I took my son to a bike shop and this hipster guy was being all "ironic" and "condescending"...bring up the cost of the bike before he took it down off the shelf. My son is asking him questions like "I'd like the fast bike you've got"....the guy sarcastically tells my son it depends on your legs so all the bikes in the store.

His general tone was all wrong, so after I put him in his place with some light weight verbal chess and credentials, in his last attempt after discouragement he plays Kendrick Lamar, swear words and all. Then cuts it off when a young white lady walks in. 

 I wanted to tell the guy  "we're looking for a bike, that has compartments to hold his drug stash, firearm and Kendrick Lamar posters, we're raising him to be the best gangsta he can be, ya know?" 

I was mad but didn't want to ruin my son's day, he had no idea the level of ignorance he was dealing with in this world. Like why are you testing out your "culture vulture aptitude test" on me and my that how you see me? A dirty hipster white girl's respect is worth more than my son's virgin ears? ...It's cool cause all the dirty black kids in the projects listen to Kendrick Lamar anyway.

Hipsters, liberals, and Democrats are truly destroying this country with their denial and low key bias deviations...

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^ Would you know the bike store guy was a hipster if he wasn't wearing skinnys and rx Wayfs?
That's exactly what they did, they were true hipsters, they really had a reason to rebel against Iran if you watch their interviews. Creative guys,  I used to hang out around the Bedford area, listen to the bands at Spikehill, Brooklyn Bowl and loft parties. 80% of hipsters are racist, and rehash classist ideals of their wealthy financial superiors who they're too stupid to ever be. Most black hipsters aren't poor but just weird guys and socially awkward and trying to get it in where they fit in. White trust fund hipsters who've been cut off and realize the error in their ways resent blacks and minorities who represent hipster culture to the fullest without even trying. It's a reminder of their fakeness, stupidity and failures. Whites call themselves hipsters when they're confused, broke, and slumming in these enclaves, taking jobs waiting tables, bar-tending or thrift store cashiers.

I posted one their interviews for CNN from years ago, I can almost assure you as this story develops the pressures of assimilation in WHITE WILLIAMSBURG played a significant role in this murder suicide. Sadly this happens all the time in Williamsburg and Greenpoint, murder, rape, suicides it just doesn't make the news. I wonder why....

sounds like where i live

the hipsters i have are a little more professional but still bloodsuckers
there is crime and drugs in my neighborhood but it never makes the news unless it's a killing

i really believe with this new mayor coming in the hipsters who live in williamsburg & in LES plus the other parts where gentrification has popped up in the last 15 years in NYC will get a real dose of reality & that's fine with me

BTW the nomad has become my favorite niketalker
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You hate hipsters so much...move out of that neighborhood...plenty of hipsterless neighborhoods in NY....thing is you live there for the same exact reasons they themselves migrated be at the heart of the action with te in-crowd and be "cool" "hip" there is nothing else attractive about these areas, they are simply hip neighborhoods, for hipster...local and from other states that migrate there in search for that "NYC living"

You sir are a hipster in disguise, stop promoting self hate.
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