FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
All it takes is bashing obama and eating mussels and crab cakes to get a date......
Im in.!
I don't see how Taskmaster could be a FOX property unless Marvel straight up sold his rights to them.

Yeah he's been in DP comics but dude is Marvel's. Showed up in Avengers, constantly fought Cap in his book, Spidey, etc. They went out of their way to revamp him in Ultimate comics, make him black and exclusively face Spidey and his friends.

All it takes is bashing obama and eating mussels and crab cakes to get a date......
Im in.!
When dude asks you how you make your kool-aid I know they'll be hitting some nerves after a long diatribe about young black men needing to just obey police commands.
If they do Taskmaster, let him and DP be in a buddy cop like thing with of course TM being the Danny Glover straight guy. Otherwise, don't want it.
Who would y'all think would be a good fit for TaskMaster. I can't think of anyone who would kill that role.
Just make the guy keep the mask on. Doesn't even need to be a b-list actor just somebody that has chemistry with Reynolds.
Collider was on the set of X-Men: Apocalypse and they learned how the X-Men universe has forever changed, following the timeline machinations of Days of Future Past. In this new timeline, the events of 2000's X-Men and all of its subsequent films (including the solo Wolverine films) are no longer canon.

- The world that exists in Apocalypse differs from the other X-Men movies in that in this timeline, mutants were exposed to the world in 1973 during the debacle at the White House, and so they’re living out in the open and mostly accepted.
- This new timeline is not necessarily leading towards the first X-Men movie anymore, although the philosophy is that the river will mostly end up in the same place with a few divergences here and there. This timeline is leading up to the New Future seen at the end of Days of Future - - Past, barring any other time travel changes.
- In this new timeline, people could die that were alive in X-Men 1, 2 and 3, and people could survive who died in those three films.
- Since the mutants aren’t in hiding anymore, this Charles Xavier’s School for the Gifted is a much bigger school and a “brighter, happier place” at the beginning of the film.
- The other Fox comic book adaptations Deadpool, Gambit, Fantastic Four and Wolverine take place in a post-Days of Future Past, post-Apocalypse The stadium dropping on the White House in 1973 is a key piece of their history.

Bryan Singer and Laura Shula Donner, one of the hands shaping the X-Men cinematic universe for 20th Century Fox is producer and screenwriter Simon Kinberg. When asked to explain how films like Gambit, Deadpool, Fantastic Four and the forthcoming solo Wolverine film fit into the new timeline created by Days of Future Past, Kinberg reassured that everything (sans Fantastic Four) fits.

"Well this movie take space chronologically before those other films, so it’s more like those films have to acknowledge this than we acknowledge Gambit, Deadpool, or Fantastic Four or anything else that exists within the sort of Fox/Marvel universe. But I work on all of those films in one capacity or another, either as a producer on all of them and as a writer on Fantastic Four and this movie, so I’m certainly aware of all the different stories we’re telling at the same time, and they all are part of a larger fabric now, and so the world of Deadpool, the world of Gambit, exists in a post-Days of Future Past post-Apocalypse world where all of these stories are the same as our shared history. The same way that each of us of different ages knows about Nixon and knows about Reagan and knows about 9/11, our fictitious events like the stadium dropping on the White House in 1973 is part of the world in which Gambit, Deadpool, Wolverine on forward exists."
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Singer Kinberg just trying to make his movies sound important.

Don't know why he keeps lying bringing up F4. They clearly stated F4 movie existed in an entirely different universe and that the world had no mutants.

I think he just knows Gambit might not reference the X-Men all that much and do it's own thing the same way DP is and even has Colossus but he looks vastly different from any prior version.

Now I can't wait to see what universe the last Jackman Wolverine movie is set in. They kept hinting at Old Man Logan so it maybe completely detached from the rest of the continuity.
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Singer just trying to make his movies sound important.

Don't know why he keeps lying bringing up F4. They clearly stated F4 movie existed in an entirely different universe and that the world had no mutants.

Are any of the above quotes actually atrributed to Singer? :lol:
Singer just trying to make his movies sound important.

Don't know why he keeps lying bringing up F4. They clearly stated F4 movie existed in an entirely different universe and that the world had no mutants.

Are any of the above quotes actually atrributed to Singer? :lol:
I read the 2nd quote as something Singer said :lol:

On second look it's even worse. Kinberg, the dumb *** that said the F4 was in a different universe in the first place is the one contradicting himself :smh: :stoneface:

In the same post saying F4 is excluded.

They need to start leaving F4 out of the convo and stop fronting like they're doing a sequel.
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I just want them to rationalize the legit threat of this movie given the future we saw at the end of DOFP 
Deadpool predicted to open at $55m but do take it with a grain of salt because I think they predicted F4 opening with similar numbers. Though to be fair, I think this won't get the same setback as there has been no nightmare news regarding production and I doubt the director will disown the film before release.

Box Office: Ryan Reynolds' 'Deadpool' Tracking for $55M-Plus Debut

The offbeat superhero movie opens over the long Valentine's Day/Presidents Day weekend opposite 'Zoolander 2' and 'How to Be Single.'

Ryan Reynold's superhero movie Deadpool is generating plenty of interest among moviegoers, putting it on course for a $55 million-plus debut next month.

The Fox and Marvel movie came on tracking Thursday, three weeks before it opens over the long Valentine's Day and Presidents Day weekend. Deadpool rolls out Feb. 12 opposite comedies Zoolander 2 and How to Be Single.

Those with access to prerelease services say the scores are strong for Deadpool among both males and females. One service even has the film crossing $60 million, and that's before Fox makes its major marketing push.

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Also, Kinberg hinting at Phoenix Saga storyline in the future? Apocalypse film might set it up?

"I think everything that hasn't been told from First Class and Days of Future Past is up for grabs going forward, so it would absolutely be a story we could tell in a different way. We definitely explore how powerful [Jean Grey] is in this movie, and that can be something that is empowering and something that is dangerous."

Also, a Celestials tease by Singer?

Though Apocalypse is the first mutant, he doesn't become the neigh-unstoppable force he's most commonly depicted as until he comes across Celestial technology. Here's Bryan Singer's hint at their appearance, you decide if you think the Celestials will appear in X-Men: Apocalypse.

"The way I describe him the most, the best, is he to me is the God of the Old Testament and all that comes with that. If there isn’t the order and the worship then I’ll open up the Earth and swallow you whole, and that was the God of the Old Testament. I started from there and when Oscar and I met we began discussing -- since he isn’t really God, he’s the first mutant perhaps, but he’s not God necessarily -- he’s imbued with certain unique powers. Some of them may or may not be from this Earth, we don’t know."
They going to keep Sansa as phoenix?????

The promos and appearance alone of deadpool makes me want to see this movie, im surprisingly not annoyed by it yet
Could have sworn the F4 sequel was cancelled anyway

Ain't nobody checking for that horse-**** :x
:lol: The main dude in charge at FOX removed the sequel from it's movie list and wants to replace it with a Gambit or DP sequel but producers like Kinberg still said they support something or other and have plans for the F4.

Sounds to me it's gonna revert back to Marvel. Can't wait for that announcement. Should be right after Infinity War :smokin
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I want marvel studios to get fantastic four.. So they can use doom and kang with the avengers

Would also get the skrulls too.. I think
Deadpool predicted to open at $55m but do take it with a grain of salt because I think they predicted F4 opening with similar numbers. Though to be fair, I think this won't get the same setback as there has been no nightmare news regarding production and I doubt the director will disown the film before release.

This dude man :rofl:
The Taskmaster has to be the coolest comic book costume that would never work on film.



The Skullmask, the hood, the sword and bow. :smokin
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