FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Like I said when I posted the Singer moving on news, all we need now is to hear about Kinberg getting the boot.

In that quote you can tell he still doesn't get the F4. The darkest the tone for F4 should be is The Lost in Space movie.
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Disney should just make them an offer they can't refuse and buy those F4 rights back. Enough of this nonsense or waiting around for the rights to revert back to Marvel. :smh:
Have they ever said what Disney/Marvel got out of the deal after giving the ok on Legion and Hellfire Club?
Daredevil/Elektra swap for f4?

Would be funny if they were willing to take that back.. Only for it to flop again with them
They got DD back way before the Fox tv show approvals. Could've been a longer term deal but I doubt it.

They probably getting something else we don't know about. Maybe even a deal for some Marvel properties getting shows on FX.
Daredevil/Elektra swap for f4?

Would be funny if they were willing to take that back.. Only for it to flop again with them

Marvel ain't giving anything up. I think they done leasing out characters. They just trying to make money to get the others back so it can one big MCU family.

You really think they gonna give up DD after the show is doing big business for them and Netflix?
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I thought he brought that up cuz that was the deal Feige proposed to FOX when the DD rights were expiring.
I was joking.. Since fox had the rights before and made two crap movies

Then marvel got the rights back and you have the Netflix gold

Would be funny for them to make that swap and then marvel uses everything involved with f4 to make magic
This movie was trash and Singer is a hack

Kinberg sucks too. This was one of the weakest written Superhero flicks in recent memory.

Fassy the GOAT because I feel like if any other actor had to deliver those lines I would of laughed
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What do you guys mean by shut your brain off....i don't remember having to have all my neurons firing to watch cap and ironman slug it out ...or know what the beef was about

Once again. You establish a universe. I'm fine with that. I'll accept that universe and the rules in it.

Don't bend and break the rules, leaving horrid inconsistencies.

no one ages in comics b...

da movie if anything poked fun at this fact.
no one ages in comics b...

da movie if anything poked fun at this fact.

First scene of the movie. Besides the healing factor. Apoc has to transfer bodies due to his old age :rolleyes
Why couldn't he just transfer bodies for the healing factor?
Cause Singer treats his audience like we are mental midgets.
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Lmao sensitive *** people... It's 2016 though so I'm not surprised.
For all we know mystique likes getting choked like that. I know the fun girls do.
When a person tells me they actually liked this Xmen movie, I automatically can't trust you. Your either a liar or have low standards when it comes to movies.
Is the wolverine with weapon x helmet pic floating around? I have no interest in this movie, just want to see the pic.
What? You liked a negatively reviewed movie so you have low standards? Hmmmmm....
Cause Singer treats his audience like we are mental midgets.

Nothing epitomizes this more to me than DOFP..

They have a "roque cut" edition.. So they have an understanding of rogue's powers (also the significance placed on rogue in x1)

And based on x1, a movie also directed by singer, they understand the limitations of mystique's powers (her fighting wolverine as wolverine)
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