Fox Sports writer: MJ is "sellout" NBA PA should "attack Jordan Brand" over lockout stance

Feb 16, 2003
One of the harshest articles I have read regarding Jordan and his position in the ongoing labor dispute...

"He should pay a price for his betrayal. There should be a player-led boycott of his Nike brand. The current players should do everything in their power to make the Air Jordan brand unfashionable in the ’hood and the ’burbs."

[h1]MJ sells out players with hard-line stance[/h1]

Jason Whitlock writes about the sports world from every angle, including those other writers can't imagine or muster courage to address. His columns are humorous, thought-provoking, agenda-free, honest and unpredictable. E-mail him or follow his Twitter or become a fan of Jason Whitlock on Facebook.

Updated Nov 5, 2011 2:22 PM ET

Michael Jeffrey Jordan finally found a cause he can get behind off the court: being an obstacle for any black kid dreaming of matching or exceeding Jordan’s wealth.


[h3]BETRAYAL?[/h3]A report says Michael Jordan has turned into the leader of a group of hard-line NBA owners.

And I don’t throw that word around liberally. But there’s no better description for Jordan now that he has reportedly decided to be the hard-line frontman for NBA ownership’s desire to rob NBA players of their fair share of the revenue the league generates.


Now that NBA superstars have decided to fully engage in the lockout negotiations and threaten union decertification, David Stern and ownership have decided to unleash their token minority owner from the house to play hardball. According to The New York Times, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, the greatest player of all time, is the owner most determined to bury the union financially. Jordan allegedly wants current players to take a 10- to 20-point basketball-related-income pay cut.


This is the ultimate betrayal. A league filled mostly with African-American young men who grew up wanting to be like Mike is finally getting to see just who Michael Jordan is. He’s a cheap, stingy, mean-spirited, cut-throat, greedy, uncaring, disloyal slave to his own bottom line.

Nike’s “Air Jordan
Lets keep it real. The $ MJ makes from the Jordan Brand funds his entire lifestyle. Him being an NBA owner is merely a way to keep himself active in NBA circles. The Bobcats are one of the franchises truly benefiting from NOT having NBA games.

When the last lockout occured - where was MJ, the player? Choosing not to take part and just retire.

When MJ was getting paid $30 million a year - what did he bring to the table for that money? A constantly sold out arena, the #1 television draw, the #1 most sold jersey, The #1 marketing person in the world, and CHAMPIONSHIPS. IMO - $30 mill was a bargain!
MJ is Lame, outside of what he did on the basketball court I have no respect for him. If I passed him in real life I wouldnt even try to talk to him or be exicted. He probally would shut me down and not speak to me anyway

If MJ ends up causing the players to lose money, since Chirs Pual is part of the players union and a JB athlete it might get interested.
Originally Posted by nflowshoe

since Chirs Pual is part of the players union and a JB athlete it might get interested.

Last time I checked.... EVERY player is part of the players UNION =)
I aint gonna lie, i agree with almost every word this guys wrote. For a man who claims to "love the game" so much, it kinda sickens me to think that with all the power he has, he just sits back and watches his sport destroy itself. Always knew he was an +*#+!$% but didnt know he would treat the players that have been looking up to him since kids like that. just my two cents
not bein a **** or anything but i didnt read this, i just know that Jordan has always been a cutthroat dude thats what made him the best to ever play. Its that killer mentality so seeing him take this stance is not a surprise because he's lookin out for #1 which is himself. It's always about being the best, now instead of basketball it's $$$.
I think the lockout has similar roots of evil like the one in late 1998 which were
the agents of the players who pushed the players to demand insane contracts.
I remember Kevin Garnett's mega-deal with the Timberwolves was one of the
cases that caused to the lock out later.
But i think the NBA is facing a different economic problem nowadays.
Back in 1998, most nations broadcasted NBA as free TV so every citizen
was able to watch the games. Now since the early 21st century,
David Stern demands high prices for broadcasting NBA games and the ticket
prices in the stadiums has gone up too.
Basketball might be still as popular in the USA, but in most other countries on this globe,
they make less money in the recent decade. Not many people are wearing active basketball
shoes for casual anymore and even when they play basketball they dont buy real basketball shoes often,
unless the guy plays team basketball or is a hardcore player.
Many only watches (paid and free) streams some even only watch highlights on youtube.
Now the teams want a more strict salary cap trying to stay alive in financial terms.
But the players insist to be paid as good as in the past despite the business is not doing better
but rather worse.
I think many of you guys are too young to understand what it is about in the NBA.
The NBA has been a very commercial pro league just like the soccer leagues in many
European countries too. It's all about business and if your team cannot get enough
revenue throughout a season, you will admit loss and there is a point where you either
have to stop doing business or try to do drastic changes to be on the moneymaking road again.
Now Jordan is not a player anymore but a club owner. Why would he stick with the player's stance anymore?
If he stays that loyal he should never become an NBA team owner in the first place right?
Not saying that it's noble what MJ's does now and how harsh his hall of fame speech was,
but he's just doing his current job.
The bottom-line is too many BUMS are earning more than they deserve...I'll name a few Joe Johnson $18 per yr OMG, Raw Lew $21 per yr, Gilbert Arenas $19 per yr, Jermaine O'Neal $6.2 per yr, Charlie V. $7.5 per yr, Rip Hamilton $12.5 per yr, Elton Brand $17 per yr, C. Kaman $12 per yr, A. Jamison $15 per yr, M.Redd getting $18 million per yr, etc.

You see MJ's stance now!?!?
Originally Posted by AB Doom

The bottom-line is too many BUMS are earning more than they deserve...I'll name a few Joe Johnson $18 per yr OMG, Raw Lew $21 per yr, Gilbert Arenas $19 per yr, Jermaine O'Neal $6.2 per yr, Charlie V. $7.5 per yr, Rip Hamilton $12.5 per yr, Elton Brand $17 per yr, C. Kaman $12 per yr, A. Jamison $15 per yr, M.Redd getting $18 million per yr, etc.

You see MJ's stance now!?!?
no one forced da team to pay em that amount...
Originally Posted by AB Doom

The bottom-line is too many BUMS are earning more than they deserve...I'll name a few Joe Johnson $18 per yr OMG, Raw Lew $21 per yr, Gilbert Arenas $19 per yr, Jermaine O'Neal $6.2 per yr, Charlie V. $7.5 per yr, Rip Hamilton $12.5 per yr, Elton Brand $17 per yr, C. Kaman $12 per yr, A. Jamison $15 per yr, M.Redd getting $18 million per yr, etc.

You see MJ's stance now!?!?

What about the random family members owners put on the payroll that do absolutely NOTHING for/with the organization?

I'll never understand how people don't side with the players. Jealousy? Hate? Envy? Idk, but it's pretty whack.
This article seems very agenda driven. How many people will read it because of the tag "MJ is a Sellout"?  Most people would probably overlook that article if it didn't take such a bold stance.  
What exactly has MJ done to offend so much?  Ask that players take a 10-20 point reduction in NBA salary?  Is that the whole story?  What if his proposal included performance incentive based criteria?  Would that be so bad?  

Instead, the article is "selling out" by using MJ's name to get people to simply read it.  

Could MJ be in the wrong here....sure.....but very few facts were presented in this article.

Reserving judgment until the WHOLE story is told...... (sick of CRAP reporting)......
the author is an idiot and is hating on Jordan. Saying he should work with Lebron to make him better? Why on earth would he do that 1 he probably could care less about lebron and 2 lebron ain't on the boncats why should Mj help competitors. Honestly the lockout is bs. Millionaires arguing with billionaires for extra money. I was hoping the season to be saved cause I really wanted to be watching basketball this year but I am prepared and excited for the olympics to see the USA win another gold. So F the NBA this year.
Originally Posted by NY GIANTS 11

Originally Posted by nflowshoe

since Chirs Pual is part of the players union and a JB athlete it might get interested.

Last time I checked.... EVERY player is part of the players UNION =)

I meant Chirs Paul is the vice president of the union......
honestley his shoes remind me of what he did on the court , its like a capsule of time in each shoe, anything else? is not my job

The owners are the ones who set it up that way for the players to get that much in the agreement in 1999,
The owners are trying to adopt the NFL's business drive competition among the players to earn the mega millions. The economy has a lot to do with the owners stance against the players. One thing about multi-millionaire and billionaires they all hate losing money...greed on both sides no doubt! 50/50 should be fair...let's play ball! This lockout benefits big time college basketball!
why did i know jason whitlock wrote this article before even reading it lol

he has some points though. jordan is a douche and has been a douche. it doesn't change anything he accomplished on the basketball court and any of the greatness he acheived as a player, or him being the best basketball player ever but i have little respect for michael jordan the person.
MJ is a clown. He wants a deal that guarantees his team makes a big profit, handicaps big markets, and hurts players. He is basically asking for the NBA to idiot proof his job and is refusing to agree to any deal that comes short of that. 
Hmmm interesting read. However, it's not at all surprising. Michael Jordan is a big douche nozzle. Although, I respect him for what he did for the sport and on the court, I have very little for him as a human being. 
jordan is a low life scum bag, this is nothing new. everybody knows this or should know this.
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