Foxxhole Radio fans, whats your take on the death of foxxhole. And will you continue to be a fan?


Oct 6, 2009
As some of you may/may not know the foxxhole is comming winding down to a end. Whats some of you guys take on this?
Well ill post just a few ims tweets from some of the members in a minute. But basically speedy is fired, hell everyone is fired but johnny mack(executive producer of station), marcus king(producer) of course, poetess, and corey holcomb. Oh and mark curry
I listened to it a few times but it was
they got rid of speedy and Claudia and they wont even address it......from what Claudia said they let them all know last minute....especially speedy....but i am glad Corey got his own show it just sucks it came at the expense of 2 people that made the station what it is...if Johnny Mack and Lew Dix leave ima stop listening (not that i was paying for it rips ftw)
Title is a bit extreme..its not the death..that would mean that it would be no more. They are drastically changing things however. I dnot know how to feel about it, it sucks but I dont pay for it so I cant really complain. If they add some solid people to the Corey Holcomb show I'll be straight.
It's sad, but things change. They don't need a cooking show on the Foxxhole.
 Mack is a producer, he is producing corey show as well as get this, the irony of it all Mark Curry comedy corner, live from the buffalo wild wing. So i mean no friday show is basically the death. No offense to my man Mark, but um that aint gonna cut it. And also how you gonna replace shows with a on air live cooking show? What/how can ppl judge the food, tell how it came out? For all ppl know, she could be saying i just made rack of lamb, and be really making burnt bologna.
There has to be more to this..
Speedy and Claudia have been friends with Jamie for a while, especially Speedy...
True but Jamie isn't one of the dudes with the real power over there if I understand the structure correctly.
Claudia, How does tha Foxxhole's future look to u?

Claudia wrote
Man, I don't know. I'm a fan like you. With the exception of JM/Poetess. every person from the foxxhole is no longer on the foxxhole. It's a wait and see type thing.

Claudia wrote
 But yeah some of choices being made don't make sense to me... but what do I know? Im just a host/personality on the Foxxhole for the last 3 years (since day 1) who actually has done quite a bit of producing my self when it comes to my radio show. So at least I can add "producer" to my resume which is great. I always Pick guests, songs, create topics, put together co-hosts, reach out to celebs and put it all together-I even paid for Wireimage photographers and a publicist out our own pockets to promote the show. That's what producing is. Creating it, hosting it and promoting it. That's what I been doing. What ever happens happens and is exactly what is meant to be. You know how the expression goes "1 monkey don't stop no parade/show/etc" Yall know I will always be ok, busy, working and making moves and money but I really enjoyed the on air antics and being fearless and going hard. Curry is now going to be hosting SPEEDYS show on wednesdays! wrote
I thought speedy was foxx main man, i mean he has known him for 20+ yrs, basically put him on.

Claudia wrote
F it Im just gonna say it. No more Speedy and No more CJ on the Foxxhole. And you WONT get an explanation on Friday. He was pretty much the last to know about his show. I was told that last night at Foxxhole Live they announced that Curry was hosting Speedys show THIS WEDNESDAY... unbeknownst to him. And then Speedy got the news a couple hours ago TODAY. Cold game. And SCC the way it was was FUNNY in my opinion.

I hope you do well, but i mean im sure you will as fine as you is

Claudia wrote
thanks for the love sweetie. I appreciate it. The fans certainly made me earn every bit of it. Just so ya know it was not about money because I never asked for more. Actually Speedy and I went to the innauguration in DC for free and I even spent $1000 of my own money. And that is not to trash the Foxxhole-that is to show how dedicated I was. I enjoyed it.... Im so glad I got to go to the Democratic Convention, Aruba, The Innaguaration and the Live Shows meeting the fans. I have always been and will always be the type of person that is here for the fans. So on my next show(s) I will still keep it 100 and will always care about the consumers who are supporting and buying what we are putting out there. You know I talk @@%% about people who talk about themselves in the the 3rd person.... but you know this aint the last you will see/hear of C Murdah-but I really enjoyed chopping it up with the heathens... it was different then anything else I was doing. But I got called in to a HUGE production company for consideration for a night time talk show and I referred Corey, Kevin Hart and Chris Spencer as possible co-hosts. Just cause I get a raw deal---I will NEVER stop being the type of woman I am that wants to take folks with me whenever I can and I will always look out for good people I like and respect (not that any of those cats need me cause they ALL work-but if I can throw something their way-its my pleasure). Well Take care niccas.... the worst part of this all was when I had to make the phone call to the pigeons. I know a couple of you may enjoy me being in pain... but I was actually in tears before I had to make the phone calls. The girls put in 2 years or FREE work week after week.... and I hated to do that to them... ok... getting misty thinking about it.

So who the head honchos the big wigs, the stupid ... who made these decisions

Claudia wrote
well the decision makers are Marcus King, and right underneath him are Guy Black (who made the call to me) and Poetess. Soooooo there you have it.

what are some of your fav/classic one liners, cracks

Claudia wrote
You know how modest and humble i am so its hard to say but this is some of my .my most proudest one liners

He's half !+*@/half hummingbird
You know Jamie hates to see anything white go (referring to WILSON in Castaway)
I see why you lost
kick rocks botch
the only time you had an apple in your mouth if you were over a fire roasting (to speedy)
planet of the apes story
"Break your SPIRIT airlines"

but there were soooo many other lines the others said that had me dying. I LOVED when Jamie was making the OWL sounds when Roland Martin called in and was being all serious. I was dying.
Speedys election comentary "Basically whoever gets the most votes wins" and then Jamies story about speedy dreaming about the cinnamon buns. OMG classic radio
SuperHead interview where I was in awe and didnt say much but Brandi "I'll still kick a botch ads" Mcgee held it down and some people attribute what SHE said to me-and it was ALL HER. She went INNNNN!
Kevin Hart vs Foxxhole-OMG this needed to be on camera
Johnny mac "you dont know his real name SABER TOOTH TIGER WOODS" OMG!
Lou Dix VS Diamond D (it went from zero to 60 in 3 seconds)
Rodney Perry "I dont want no PUDDY!"
TDPs dog bark sounds "arf"
Gary Owens talking bout his interacial marriage and biracial kids
Scott +%!*+**! steel with that dud Almond Joy joke and the silence that followed
jamies songs he used to create "Raise up off these nuts a little bit" and one of my personal favorites "Botch I told ya"
Kevin Hart challenges Jamies hairline.. OMG I was weak
Jamie callin Kevin "no bigger than a *@$+"
The John McCain Broken bones joke rants we went on "I got a bone to pick with you, sticks and stones may break my bones, etc"
Katt WIlliams roasting... "Me perm for Me hair" Lepra-%$#%, STILL I RISE!
omg so many funny memories.

Favorite show on radio too....damn.

I hope Corey's show does well, though.
I actually loved the foxxhole. I am happy that Corey got his own show, but it wont be as good as the SCC with him. I think all of these changes is coming about because of money. The only real sponsor they ever had was budlight. I mean we all like the show, but when you think about it, that's a very small audience for a radio show. That would explain why Jaime ain't get to save his friends. And for the record. the SCC with Speedy, Corey, Lewis, Rodney Perry, and Clayton Thomas was the best radio of ALL TIME. ALL TIME.
CJ, have u spoke w/ Foxx? I'm guessin Foxx wasn't all the way in the loop on these decisions. I seriously doubt he'd OK the firing of close friends without at least some kind of notice.

Claudia wrote
yes I have..... we talked. And he was making a call and getting back to me. But gave me major props on what I brought and am doing in the business. He knows what I brought. Trust he knows the deal.

How about speedy i thought he was the main man, the dude who basically made the foxxhole.

Claudia wroteat 10:23 on 22 January 2010
He was. Speedy brought on a lot of other people to the show and gave them opportunities. He told me he was the one that randomly ran into Poetess and told her she should come by the show and that's how she came to know of the Foxxhole. He put on Miracle, TDP (who I think is HIlarious w/his 1 liners and references that you got to be quick to catch) , and many many more. A lot of people don't do that---and he did. Matter fact-that's the one thing we had in common. Trying to put others on. That's a nice quality to have. Thinking bout others. Speedy gonna be fine. I used to go to the Improv every monday night in LA and he used to host it and when I tell you he would KILL-I am NOT exaggerating.


I guess Corey is the Franchise Player for the Foxxhole now, I am happy for him he deserves it but damn they put that !#%@ in a f up situation because fans are not giving a f about these shows they are so focused on @*$ is going on behind scenes right now, after listening to Wednesday Show again, that was actually a pretty good show. I hope Corey just takes the entire foxxhole crew and put them on his show. If he hit you up would you return? Or is it to much bad blood.

Claudia wrote
Um little pay, long hours, and a tight restricted schedule, sure why not lol. But nah all ****** aside i pobably would. The fooxhole was like my second family. I will miss them all dearly. Speedy, tdp, lou dix, JM... foxx.

Is it just me but i did kinda notice you purposely, or not on purpose didnt mention the poetess. wzup with that? i know yall had a lil spat before (btw you did go hard on her a..), and well she is your boss. If you dont wanna speak on it its all good.
unless Jamie is there the show is kind of bad. They talk over each other and it doesnt have much form.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

unless Jamie is there the show is kind of bad. They talk over each other and it doesnt have much form.

foxx makes the show worse.....this guy just tells the same jokes and stories over and over and over and over again....and u want to talk about talking over each other.....this guy cuts everyone off mid sentence and never lets anyone get a word in
Yea im actually not too big on Foxx. I particularly cant stand his rants...particularly his political ones.
Man this is stupid. I love all the shows now they want to throw a hitch in everything. I want to hear the real deal wit this. Who wanted who gone and everything. I know Speedy was during those dumb 1 man shows but why release him? Why release the rest. Just doesn't make a lick of sense. 

Speedys election comentary "Basically whoever gets the most votes wins" and then Jamies story about speedy dreaming about the cinnamon buns. OMG classic radio

Thanks OP for dropping knowledge. This is kinda like Jordan Brand having great shoes with great quality and then changing the game to higher prices and pretty good quality.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Man this is stupid. I love all the shows now they want to throw a hitch in everything. I want to hear the real deal wit this. Who wanted who gone and everything. I know Speedy was during those dumb 1 man shows but why release him? Why release the rest. Just doesn't make a lick of sense. 

Speedys election comentary "Basically whoever gets the most votes wins" and then Jamies story about speedy dreaming about the cinnamon buns. OMG classic radio

Thanks OP for dropping knowledge. This is kinda like Jordan Brand having great shoes with great quality and then changing the game to higher prices and pretty good quality.

Well i will just post what some members said , and from there you can kinda, i guess use your imagination and kinda get your sleuth on, and figure who did what, when and why.
So wat was the deal with foxx, i mean he was never in the studio, is that why the show is done, do they feel without him, its basically nuttin? Plus he always said the foxxhole is all about goin hard or going home, and well i guess he decided to go home.

Claudia wrote

Tha reason J Foxx aint in tha studio, is cuz him and Katt Williams launchin some tours. Tha tours are "Its Simpin' Simpin', and "Tha Simp Chronicles." But nah he been working on [URL][/url] and the skank robbers. Last he said he got George Lopez in the movie, and trying to get Dave Chappelle to play a lil cameo as a security officer, co-side with Lopez.

Well i beeen reading poetess myspace page, and well i saw some of ya post and it seems like yall been going back and forth, hell you never did answer why no shotouts to og poetess, so on the real wats the deal girl?

I offer to you:

Claudia's Wall yesterday: Ahhhh it's dark and stormy outside but the truth and light is revealing itself! Jealousy is one heck of an emotion. We all are capable of having it get the best of us---but we got to resist and realize that that is the devil using us as vehicles to do his work. It's so obvious yet this is lost on many. Fight the urge....... especially women who are extra prone to falling victim to it (damn hormones!)

The Poetess' Wall, yesterday: The Definition of "Professionalism" - Meticulous adherence to undeviating courtesy, honesty, and responsibility in one's dealings with customers and associates, plus a level of excellence that goes over and above the commercial considerations and legal requirements.

Claudia's Wall, today: Ok I'm already over it and. It doesn't take me long at all. I'm good and appreciate all the love. Got bigger fish to fry and goals to accomplish. Negative emotions only keep you stagnant and LORD KNOWS---stagnant----I am not! (In Yoda voice) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

The Poetess Wall, today: Remember there is 3 sides to a side, your side and the truth.

I thought you guys were supposed to be friends??? Am I reading too much into this? I hope I aint offending you, but what the hell is going on in the "family"????
Claudia shed light on this situation...sho lite
Claudia wrote
Now see !@#%@ always wanna make sumthin outta nuttin, but seriously a botch like me just chillin. Not even trying to get it cracking like that. I am walking away gracefully (with still giving the people what they deserve) and I understand changes were made. I don't want this to get any uglier than it needed to be. Yall feel me?

Um that was so right(aka white)-wing, politically correct, way to dodge an answer. Girl why dont you just spill it all out already, and put these fools on blast, i mean whats the worse can the do...... FIRE YOU. Damn lol i know that was a low cheap shot there lol.

Claudia wrote
You just had to throw in the white jokes huh btw "shotout to all my mulattos". But on the real, lets be honest what is the worse that could happen to the Foxxhole...bootlegger will stop bootlegging the show? Foxxhole WINS if that happens

!@#%@ can't be mad at the people that are still at the Foxxhole because it is probably not their fault, Guy Black, Marcus King, they probably got instructions from the Higher Ups on what to do, what are they suppose to say "No I Won't Do It Because You Fired My Friends?"

just have to wait and see what happens, !@#%@ was itching and complaining about "Foxxhole Holding Corey Down" then when they do give this @!$* his chance you got !@#%@ crying about the #%*% already after one show

Other then Zo and Corey I probably won't listen to the FOXXHOLE anyways

hahaha maybe it was all Miley Cyrus doing, after all foxx did go hard, on the lil white girl, and well you know how white folks feel about that...shotouts to Kanye lol. Maybe her pull/power got everyone that was apart of that Episode when we went in on that little itch hahaha. I will say this tho aint it weird how everybody that is basically part of Friday's show other then Poetess and JM was fired? Just some food for thought

See again no mention of OG. You ducking and dodging her like a deadbeat daddy ducks child support.

Claudia wrote
Lol @!$* you crazy. Imma just chilllax.... no need in disgracing the Jordan name. I gave ya some info, I tell ya, you colored people are a trip. I give an inch-u want a mile. Damn... heathen lol  Geez.... But when the time is right I will delve into it a little deeper. If I say too much right now, they win, and I comes across, like a lil emotionally scarred, jelous lil itch. And you know im BIGGER and BETTER than that... Please Believe

So what you gonna be doing, other then collecting unemployment checks of course... lol

Claudia wrote
Um @!$* got jokes, please im still gettin Deal or No Deal/The Apprentice checks lol. But yea I've been talking to a couple different companies... but hadn't made any moves yet. Always want to at least give a courtesy week to my employer of the last 2 years first for them to say "Awww we was just !$%%*#@!%@$*!" But on the TV side-the VH1 show should be happening real soon.... still got a reoccurring role on that NBC sitcom called "My Parents, My Sister and Me" where I play a 5th grade school teacher and got a couple movie scripts coming my way as well as a part in my boys movie "Video Girl" where I play a radio personality (myself) interviewing the beautiful Megan Good. And I just got on board producing a new travel show that I will be hosting as well as behind the scenes. So there will be other things that I'll be on that you won't have to pay for to see for sure.
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