Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

My purchase was a pre order for the frags on Dec 2( I already knew they would be tough to get). Once they dropped he listed a few more pears on ebay. I had asked him when will i receive my order and he stated that he will not get them in his hands until Jan 5th. which i was ok with because the pear I luckily got off nikelabs online release also stated delivery date for the 5th. now its well past the 30 days ebay offers for refunds. so........
My purchase was a pre order for the frags on Dec 2( I already knew they would be tough to get). Once they dropped he listed a few more pears on ebay. I had asked him when will i receive my order and he stated that he will not get them in his hands until Jan 5th. which i was ok with because the pear I luckily got off nikelabs online release also stated delivery date for the 5th. now its well past the 30 days ebay offers for refunds. so........
Your good you can file a case on paypal up to 90 days 
I was reading the post a few days ago and saw somebody post a seller on ebay that had them for right under 8. Watch out  He does not have any shoes he just taking peoples money like he did with my money. seller name is (Manifestswoosh) he has a lot of feed back but just in the past week he has gotten alot of negative feedback. Dont get caught up like i did! 
Yeah i was watchin that guy with the ndc order page pic. Good price and decent feedback to start but i knew better when i saw he "had more coming" and it seemed to just keep relisting. You know those pairs would sell out at first. No way there were more legit rounds coming.
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I was reading the post a few days ago and saw somebody post a seller on ebay that had them for right under 8. Watch out  He does not have any shoes he just taking peoples money like he did with my money. seller name is (Manifestswoosh) he has a lot of feed back but just in the past week he has gotten alot of negative feedback. Dont get caught up like i did! 
I was about to jump on that when he posted for $439 before release, He sold out a FSR at $439, then $500, I'm wondering if he did send some out at those prices or just screw them all over when price sky rocketed , he replys in the FB comments saying re-funded for unconfirmed address which I think is BS, either way I'm glad I didn't bite, his FB looked good at the time
Sucks to be him right ??  id be furious if i had to only have one pair 

My purchase was a pre order for the frags on Dec 2( I already knew they would be tough to get). Once they dropped he listed a few more pears on ebay. I had asked him when will i receive my order and he stated that he will not get them in his hands until Jan 5th. which i was ok with because the pear I luckily got off nikelabs online release also stated delivery date for the 5th. now its well past the 30 days ebay offers for refunds. so........

It sound like manifest swoosh

Manifestswoosh use to be or still is

they always cancel if you pre-ordered for example 400 and kicks sky rocket to like 800 like frags

I copped from him too and keeps giving me some ******** story of why shipping is delayed. Supposedly 5th then Tuesday or Wednesday, then Thursday or Saturday. Now im getting worried since he keeps restocking these on ebay, Im anticipating they are fakes now
It sound like manifest swoosh
I copped from him too and keeps giving me some ******** story of why shipping is delayed. Supposedly 5th then Tuesday or Wednesday, then Thursday or Saturday. Now im getting worried since he keeps restocking these on ebay, Im anticipating they are fakes now
@positiveaura  runs that I think, dude always came on NT to flex with his pairs before, plus he charges nearly double for ATCs 
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manifestswoosh / hypednation / positiveaura

i'll never deal with this guy again. granted i wasn't expecting much from him, but i figured i'd give it a shot because i didn't have much to lose. he was looking for Legend Blue 11s and was buying them for $300 a piece so I hit him up and said i'd sell him my pair for practically retail if he could hook me up with an ATC for the frags. he told me no problem and told me to give him three accounts to add to his ATC. did the whole thing of buying off his site and using a discount code so the order was free. we were in good communication leading up to release day where I messaged him 3 hours prior and asked if there was anything further i needed to do when they drop. no response. so the drop happens, i check all the accounts i gave him and nothing turns up so i figured they weren't successful. hours later i see him posting on twitter how he's trading sizes of frags that he secured for different sizes. he even had the size i was aiming for. so i hit him up once again asking if i could just buy it off of him. yet again, no response. in the end i'm guessing he played me for some 11s for retail. and who knows if he even put my accounts into his ATC. lesson learned and i'll never trust this kid again. some people only look at the dollars and cents and their "word" means nothing.
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Dude probably checks out with the pairs for himself before you can even log in SMH
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manifestswoosh / hypednation / positiveaura

i'll never deal with this guy again. granted i wasn't expecting much from him, but i figured i'd give it a shot because i didn't have much to lose. he was looking for Legend Blue 11s and was buying them for $300 a piece so I hit him up and said i'd sell him my pair for practically retail if he could hook me up with an ATC for the frags. he told me no problem and told me to give him three accounts to add to his ATC. did the whole thing of buying off his site and using a discount code so the order was free. we were in good communication leading up to release day where I messaged him 3 hours prior and asked if there was anything further i needed to do when they drop. no response. so the drop happens, i check all the accounts i gave him and nothing turns up so i figured they weren't successful. hours later i see him posting on twitter how he's trading sizes of frags that he secured for different sizes. he even had the size i was aiming for. so i hit him up once again asking if i could just buy it off of him. yet again, no response. in the end i'm guessing he played me for some 11s for retail. and who knows if he even put my accounts into his ATC. lesson learned and i'll never trust this kid again. some people only look at the dollars and cents and their "word" means nothing.

What is his twitter?
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