Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

I thought the frag logo was visible. Where is the extra lace bag, I didn't see it in your pictures.
The insoles are so worn the frag logo isn't visible anymore. And the extra lace bag is the one with the red line on it. Which i know is a red flag. But you both just said they look fine and i think they look fine, so my assumption is he gave me the wrong bag. But then again thats just wishful thinking. Let me know what you guys think. Im already debating as to wether I should put in a eBay/PayPal claim or not.
Has there been an instance when everything check out with the physical shoe but something like lacebag or sticker placement is a deal breaker? Fake Frags I've seen are always noticeably flawed in construction before getting to something else

Also, am I crazy or has there been an influx of folks who legit check after buying?
should be cautious... as more time passes better and better fakes will come out... mostly thanks to LCs... im sure they watch what we write and use that to make better copies
Yea I hate to say it but the fakes are getting real good with these. If i decide 2 grab another ill prob go with rif or flight club
My man retro707 probably owned more pairs of frags than some stores even had stock :x
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