Freaks and Geeks Appreciation Post Vol. Judd Apatow is a comedic genius.

appreciated. I took a philosophy course and I swear I lucked out!Towards the end of the course all we ended up watching various freaks and geeks episodes relating to whatever topic we had that day. Love that show. Apatow maybe the reason why I've gone to any movie theater to begin with.
definitely appreciate the show, I watched it a year or 2 ago, loved it.

Undeclared was good too

It was crazy to see the shows after seeing how far Seth Rogen has come, along with some of the other cast members in the show.

the nerdy guy "Bill", Sam's friend, had a role in this show called Party Down, it was a funny show, I'd check that out too if you'relooking for a new comedy.
Judd Apatow is a genius.

Forgot who said it, but someone said Apatow likes to write his movies as a drama and then works in the comedy.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Judd Apatow is a genius.

Forgot who said it, but someone said Apatow likes to write his movies as a drama and then works in the comedy.
I think Jason Segel said that.
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