Friday The 13th: The Game | Xbox One, PS4, PC | RD: 05/26/17

Man I was rolling when you were picking apart Edgar with the knives that ish was precise lol.
Damn i guess the game i got kicked outta of was the one 3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 got hit with them ninja stars :smh: :lol:

Yeah that was the last game and you collapsed..

I had ALL the pieces lined up at the 4 door and @6 rings MJ  was babysitting it as jason.

Told @3dgarfly23  to distract jason for me while i put the gas in the tank.

On 3




I hop out the window to put the gas in the tank Jason comes and grabs me.

I pan the camera round and @3dgarfly23  dipped like safaree and halfway down the block
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I had ALL the pieced lined up at the 4 door and @6 rings MJ
 was babysitting it as jason.

Told @3dgarfly23
 to distract jason for me while i put the gas in the tank.

On 3




I hop out the window to put the gas in the tank Jason comes and grabs me.

I pan the camera round and @3dgarfly23
 dipped like safaree and halfway down the block :stoneface:  
Yo I asked 3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 if he got keys. He's like yeah. And I had the battery. I told him aight let's go outside and cover me while I install it. He said cool. I go outside and install it. And I'm finished. I look around for him and ask him where he's at. He said aight I'm comin down from upstairs. As I'm waiting Jason comes and kills me!!! :stoneface: we had everything installed. All we needed were keys and this dude hides upstairs when he said he was gonna cover me while I installed the damn battery!!! >:

Second time. He's the black chick I'm the rocker chick. He's got the gas and I have a shotgun. I tell him yo give me the gas to install since I got a better repair rating. He's like cool. He holds the shotgun. I install the gas. He doesn't give me the shotgun back. Jason comes and this dude MISSES with his one shot and Jason chases us and I get killed!!!

3dgarfly23 3dgarfly23 IS THE WORST PARTNER TO HAVE
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Just a tip for everyone.

If you have one of the parts, gas battery propeller keys etc, the best thing to do is bring it to the car, boat immediately and just drop it next to it. if its not hectic at that point its cool to put it in but if jason close jsut leave it there and come back.

That way if you get killed in the middle of nowhere and noone knows where you are, we wont lose where the parts are
22 - Doesn't lock the damn door :smh:

Hustle- Locks the door on me :stoneface:
FALL BACK! I lock every door I go in. The house I went into with y'all Jason comes in without a door locked. I make sure I lock the doors I go into for them xp pts. You thinkin of someone else homie.
Yo i was getting soooooooooo tight yesterday

@SonOfTony's Jason legit chased through like 5 houses.

After I evaded him for like the 3rd time i just started yetlling at him to go bother somebody else 
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