fruit appreciation post?

Fruits....oh boy


Got damn...I'm going to the grocery store now...
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Mangosteen is unbelievable! The fragrant edible flesh can be described as sweet and tangy, citrusy with peach flavor and texture.
This fruit looks really interesting. Where can I cop?

I love all fruits.

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Cantaloupe
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberry
  • Peach
  • Grapes
and a lot more that I'm forgetting.

The only fruit that I've tried and disliked was Papaya.
someone school me on durians & mangosteens.
I dont recall ever seeing those fruits around my way.
And I live in the SF bay area, one of the most diverse places in the world. Not to mention i've been to a plethura of different ethnic stores too.
I looooooove peaches and nectarines. Pineapples, bananas, grapes, mangos, etc. I love all kinds except for the overly citrusy ones (oranges).
Originally Posted by 92

someone school me on durians & mangosteens.
I dont recall ever seeing those fruits around my way.
And I live in the SF bay area, one of the most diverse places in the world. Not to mention i've been to a plethura of different ethnic stores too.
Durian can be found in most South East Asian market, so try Chinatown?

And as for Mongosteens, they were illegal for the longest time because of some of the bugs that come with them? But I think as of last year or so, you can buythem but they're like $20/lbs.
watermelon, mango, banana, strawberry, pineapple, etc.
and longan, lychee, mangosteen, and rambutan
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