Fun date ideas?

Mar 2, 2008
I'm planning on going on a date this weekend and was in need of some ideas for a fun date. I'll probably take her out to dinner but then I'm notsure what we should do after...anyone have any ideas?

All help is appreciated. Thx
go to a laser show while

that was a blasty blast.
Originally Posted by ku JHAWX

Live in Topeka, KS
Awwwww man...

Cow tipping?

But go to like....Dave and Busters, Jillian's, idk what y'all have out there something like that. Something active.
Ice skating, you can also chill and have a hot cocoa or chicken soup, if you burn off some energy.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Laser tag. Its better for a double date though.

dig this....

and dave and busters...

took a chick there...

she was crazy saddity...

but them games opened her up...

smash-tastic times followed ...
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Freeze tag
just thought of 2 grown @#@ people playing freeze tag in the park

i would marry the man that took me on a freeze tag date

i dont know the weather is kinda sucky and idk what there is to do in kansas *kanyeshrug*
I already thought about go karts and laser tag...unfortunately we don't have those in Topeka...and the ice skating rink is closed for hockey games
go mini golfing dog. i see that place right off I-70. or ice golifng. its so damn cold here in kansas smh
Originally Posted by cberr

go mini golfing dog. i see that place right off I-70. or ice golifng. its so damn cold here in kansas smh

Yeah I've wanted to do mini golfing but all the snow
idk what to tell you, there isnt much in topeka from manhattan btw

go sledding or something haha
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