Sucks lately, been dealing with some work related nonsense, trying to not be attached to this place anymore, brought all of my Pops home, never really had much of a display going on at home so it was mostly for work that I'd buy them just to have on display. Now they're all just in boxes in the basement at the moment. Gotta say though, it really has reduced my temptation to buy more by about 99%. Still gotta be in for SDCC Conans though :lol:
I was thinking of quitting the funko collecting myself… it’s a fun hobby and not too expensive but it can add up depending on how much you buy… but if you can control how much you buy its not bad… the tough part for me is something always releases that I like… the eccc pops are cool I see at least 4-5 I want…but the bottomline is im running out of space and really have no room for the pops which kinda defeats the purpose… at this point im collecting it just for the sake of it…all my new pops are packed away in storage boxes in the basement… I have 2 displays at the crib that hold 80 pops each which are full… I don’t plan on buying more cases… I always said I will replace the old pops in those 2 cases with the new pops but it just seems overwhelming and I just got lazy doing it… ill try to make an effort soon though lol…
deciding if i should pay $26 for the boruto pop for a chance at the chase....
that looks better than I thought. walking on water is a nice touch. moments pops usually sit tho. so I'll wait.
deciding if i should pay $26 for the boruto pop for a chance at the chase....
never paying over 20 for a pop. especially at so called retail price.

Just came in the mail today.
Pardon my ignorance but info !?
Upper Deck exclusive to their web store, as stated above.

But to expand on that a bit, the release was a mess. UD released it around 12:00 pm ET on 2/11, and their site couldn’t handle the amount of traffic and was offline for the most part. UD acknowledged this, and put on their social media it would be fixed and release on 2/12 (no specific time mentioned). Then they went and released it around 4:00 am ET on 2/12, I believe... when most of the market would be asleep. :lol:
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