bad enough you west coast dudes get pops first. now yall get the links after midnight while the east coast sleeps :smh:
bad enough you west coast dudes get pops first. now yall get the links after midnight while the east coast sleeps
I fell asleep at the computer too, 12:45am EST I was gone.  Then all the sudden I wake up and see the links went live 15 mins later 

I have to work tonight, so I'll be refreshing the hell out that Walgreens page tonight.
Yea and no dr. Stranges in my area. I checked all the other gamestop stuff and my area has a lot of quantity.

Barnes is not letting anyone be great. No ones payment is going through
Yea and no dr. Stranges in my area. I checked all the other gamestop stuff and my area has a lot of quantity.

Barnes is not letting anyone be great. No ones payment is going through

sucks with Strange. I passed on him last night too thinking I'd be able to get him this morning. big mistake... :smh:

I'm reading about the problems at checkout with B&N.. you need Violet right? helping a FB friend with the HP 3 Pack, so I'll likely pass by B&N after GameStop and Hot Topic. also if you have one locally try to pick up at store option, that's how I knew two local stores had the 3 Pack.
Was only able to order False God. Guess I'm getting old, didn't feel like getting up this morning. Whats up with the Teen Titans joints? Everytime I click on one it goes back to the homepage.
Man that year one box was not worrh 125/150. That goblin is fyyyaaaahh but that's the only thing I would've been pumped about.
Did the Teen Titans link go live? Im able to pull em up on mobile but they want open. They arent showing on desktop.
I think it was worth it. Ive always wanted the other item (wont spoil) but i knew id never actuallybuy it myself

Plus if its as limited as they say.. and if people dont get that walgreens one this will be the next zea batman
(Not that i ever plan on reselling)
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Was second in line of about 20 people at my B&N, checked out with what I wanted in less than two minutes.
Now onto GS, HT, then home.
Happy hunting, all!
No problem at B&N for me. Get Snoopy. Had a line of about 8 people before I got there. One lady had like 3 Snoopys in her hand along with like 8 other boxes. Man I was reading to knock them all to the floor if they didn't have Snoopy
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