I kind of regret not getting Grevious. But I only have a few star wars pops, so getting him would only open the flood gates to my addiction of getting more from the star wars line.
i feel like missed out on so much the past couple days and weeks. lol.

i checked myself into pop rehab to try to buy things i NEED rather than want/impulse buy.
Heads up - Gamestop has all of the NYCC pops back up on website. Joker, Kitty, Trunks and rainbow Batman.
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saw on reddit that a few people got thru on indy within the last 2 hours....

i used the mobile page on my laptop and repeatedly hit the add to cart button. after 2-3 min i was able to add to cart but it would remove it from my cart when i tried to checkout.

make sure youre signed into a disneystore account, or else it will keep removing it from your cart 

not sure if it still works but i got my confirmation at 9:00 PT
im pretty sure i didnt add anything to my cart and theres 6-8 random pops in my cart, including qui-gon and barbossa.
i give up.

This is nuts. I'm just gonna go buy an NYCC pop from HT, repaint my green ranger and slap the sticker on it return the other pop :lol:
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