Funny things About Your Culture

Jun 30, 2009
Was up NT. I was reading something online and it said "As we all know every culture has it's own customs, traditions, mannerisms, and even stereotypesthat make them unique and one must admit that many of these can be very funny at times." And I started to think about funny things us Dominicans do. Forexample

I find it funny that when we're on a plane and it lands were super happy and we start clapping, or we're always pointing at things with are mouth, Orthat upward wiggle with our nose when we want you to explain something further. Or how my mom always tells me not to open the fridge when im sweaty cus shethinks ima have a spazm or stay frozen lol. Theres a whole bunch but i got to run and check foot action for those $50 pippens.

Post funny things your culture does.
i don't know if it's safe enough to say the hip hop culture is my culture, but i can say it has a lot of my people involved in it. i always find itfunny that some cats get on tracks and sound like they finished school after 3rd grade, but really have college degrees.
stop these +@%!+*@ stereotyping threads
Father's side of the family is from Panama. They're basically a bunch of West Indians that speak spanish. The food is almost the same, the slang isalmost the same, hell, my grandfather sounds like a Jamaican James Earl Jones.

Mother's side is Puerto Rican. We pack alot of people into small cars to go to the beach. We have birthday parties for 5 year olds that consist of loudSalsa y Merengue, dancing in the living room, drinking Corona, and basically just wildin out until 2 in the morning while all the kids are passed out on oraround the couch. Then we make take-home plates of all the food that's there and pack it up by putting one paper plate on top of the food that's on theother paper plate and then wrapping that in foil. Also, at every get-together, we'll have nothing but latin food (rice and beans, pernil, pastelles,acapurias, tostones, maduros, etc...) and then either a lasagna or a baked ziti. I still don't know why that is.
im irish and italian. we get **%% hammered all the time and eat pasta and potatoes, and all my elder relatives are completely racist
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Strap dogs to sleds for transport. Drink milk from a bag. Play hockey before being able to walk.

puerto rican?
Parents always say stupid stuff that aren't even close to being the truth, but they say it to scare you. Like my mom told me not to eat a lot of soy sauce,or else I would go stupid. Or she told me not to go out running because I'd get raped (I'm a guy).
Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Strap dogs to sleds for transport. Drink milk from a bag. Play hockey before being able to walk.
Canadians drink milk from a bag?

That was actually a very entertaining video..."Welcome to Canada ehh..."...

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