FutureMD being banned appreciation thread

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One of the few NT'ers who opinions I respected 
Not that it matters(Future, Anton, Mark, DC American, Steezy) were all put on ignore, but I'm glad he is banned, Dude had an objective post about EVERYTHING. You like apples, he says you don't have to like apples, you should understand that apples arent the only fruit, oranges are factually better than apples, you eating apples is common behavior among weak minded people.

:lol: oh no!
Hope is comes back.

I didn't consider dude a troll, he just would hammer his point over and over and would never let up. He called out a lot of ignorance and made logical, lucid arguments to back up his beliefs.

And Future would serve the same fools over and over and over. :smokin After a while the only defense dudes had was to call him a troll
I'd rather he be here than you, OP. While his style and technique caused some frustrations, problems, and didn't seem conducive to healthy debate, at least he provided the forum with some well-thought out arguments and stances at times.

You just troll and take a contrarian stance in threads to be different.
He was annoying AF, but I do agree with this. It was nice seeing some mature discussions around here (as horrible as they were). This just might not be his audience...
He's probably off doing something productive with his life unlike most of you idiots.
I find it hilarious that the many people on this board who dislike FutureMD, were the same people who could not counter his argument or viewpoints. His thought process was different than most people on here. I may not agree with all of it, but I can respect it.
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