FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

Meh....I’m cool on this episode. The surreal, pseudo high brow “I get it” episode wasn’t for me this time.

I really thought the show was gonna be more of a Hustle n Flow come up series about Paperboy..and Ern managing through the shady industry.
I see it just a mix of random stuff within our sub cultures in which I get...but yea this episode was too wacky for my liking.
Darius must have fried his brain with dust or shrooms because his behavior this episode was a classic "white people doing dumb **** in a horror movie". No regular black person would have stuck around that long.

When dude popped out of the dark at the beginning, I would have NOPEd the **** out of there after ****ting myself.
I'm a city dude, never been a fan of isolated cribs, cabins or whatever. It's gotta be some white **** or some non big city **** because my black, hispanic or asian friends also said they wouldn't go spend a weekend or cop a crib at one of those places.
Yeah I wasn't in the mood for this type of episode today either. It's been like a hit and miss sequence this season. It think I rewatched last weeks episode at least 4 times. I never do that. I was actually looking forward to commercials this week. :rolleyes And I had it recorded :lol:
I really thought the show was gonna be more of a Hustle n Flow come up series about Paperboy..and Ern managing through the shady industry.
I see it just a mix of random stuff within our sub cultures in which I get...but yea this episode was too wacky for my liking.
Don't you remember the first season? :lol

They had an entire ep of just random commercials and fake tv news segments.
I'm rewatching the episode and just hearing Teddy I can hear Donald at times.

Also since there's a robbery in every episode, Atlanta robbed FX of their ad revenue
Is it just me, or is this season kind of depressing?

Donald said this season was inspired by Tiny Toons - How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

“If you watched them all together, they were a movie,” he said. “We kind of took that idea of a whole story, but being told in a bunch of little parts that could be a show.”
Donald Glover added, “You enjoy them if they’re together, but you can also enjoy them in little bits.”
The description of the episode on Comcast said “Darius goes for a trip” dude had to be tripping on something. That was so confusing and creepy.
Missed last week’s episode so I watched both back to back, and wow what a difference :lol that barbershop episode was hilarious and very relatable, putting up with a lot of **** from your barber cause you know your cut will be fresh and you’re iffy about trying somebody new.

This week’s episode right after was creepy, but still good. I instantly thought of Michael Jackson early on. Wasn’t expecting that ending either.
This Episode def needs to catch a couple of replays but off first watch i think it's just a play on all the Great black R&B/Pop stars & how much Fame & expectations wears on them. Even the part where fake MJ is talking about his brothers sickness, he ends it with maybe we could get a classic record out of it. The public doesn't care about the persons well being, under the mask (Altered face, Fully Masked, glasses On) their personal trials are asked to be put aside for greatness.

Imo opinion that's why dude became angrier when Darius started to ask for the Piano, Instead of him hearing dude out he just wanted the piano with colored keys. That's all the world/industry wants from the most famous black artist, Colored people playing the keys.Nobody cares about the sacrifices for excellence they just want the results

Also now that someone posted that meme that wasn't done until around the superbowl, i really wonder when this was recorded? Because The beginning where benny asks Darius about HipHop kind of reminds me Of The Quincy Jones Interview.

He Questioned Rap as an artform, specifically the lack of people who play instruments & know the music. When Darius answered Benny with "fun" he seemed disappointed, if they're referencing the Quincy Interview it's likely because Quincy went into Detail About How He studies music, it's a science almost it's way more than "fun"
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This Episode def needs to catch a couple of replays but off first watch i think it's just a play on all the Great black R&B/Pop stars & how much Fame & expectations wears on them. Even the part where fake MJ is talking about his brothers sickness, he ends it with maybe we could get a classic record out of it. The public doesn't care about the persons well being, under the mask (Altered face, Fully Masked, glasses On) their personal trials are asked to be put aside for greatness.

Imo opinion that's why dude became angrier when Darius started to ask for the Piano, Instead of him hearing dude out he just wanted the piano with colored keys. That's all the world/industry wants from the most famous black artist, Colored people playing the keys.Nobody cares about the sacrifices for excellence they just want the results

Right on the money. Repped
I find the episode entertaining after watching it again. It's just a complete 180 from what I expected. I didn't dislike it after the initial viewing...I just was confused as hell (especially trying to watch the wizards/crabs game at the same time).

After I got over being disturbed, Glover as Theodore was actually kinda funny :lol:
This Episode def needs to catch a couple of replays but off first watch i think it's just a play on all the Great black R&B/Pop stars & how much Fame & expectations wears on them. Even the part where fake MJ is talking about his brothers sickness, he ends it with maybe we could get a classic record out of it. The public doesn't care about the persons well being, under the mask (Altered face, Fully Masked, glasses On) their personal trials are asked to be put aside for greatness.

Imo opinion that's why dude became angrier when Darius started to ask for the Piano, Instead of him hearing dude out he just wanted the piano with colored keys. That's all the world/industry wants from the most famous black artist, Colored people playing the keys.Nobody cares about the sacrifices for excellence they just want the results

Also now that someone posted that meme that wasn't done until around the superbowl, i really wonder when this was recorded? Because The beginning where benny asks Darius about HipHop kind of reminds me Of The Quincy Jones Interview.

He Questioned Rap as an artform, specifically the lack of people who play instruments & know the music. When Darius answered Benny with "fun" he seemed disappointed, if they're referencing the Quincy Interview it's likely because Quincy went into Detail About How He studies music, it's a science almost it's way more than "fun"

The blood on the keys makes sense to me now and is probably a play off of Kanye's "Blood On The Leaves" and Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit"
Thought the episode was creative and interesting. Exploring the themes of disposable arts/artists and self hatred. The show did have funny moments mostly through Paper Boi. This show isn’t your typical sitcom. It’s weird and quirky and that’s why I enjoyed the first season so much.
off first watch i think it's just a play on all the Great black R&B/Pop stars & how much Fame & expectations wears on them. Even the part where fake MJ is talking about his brothers sickness, he ends it with maybe we could get a classic record out of it.

This is exactly where my mind went early on, along with speaking broadly on the trauma that certain parenting styles (or a lack thereof) can leave for life on kids. Would've liked to hear Darius expand on his set of issues more.

Episode was interesting to say the least, and some of the weirdness/cutaways to Al and them were funny enough to keep me paying attention.

This ___ Teddy made ostrich eggs look repulsive :lol
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