When you look at how mad Al is when he says that Earn hadn't spoken to him since his mom's funeral, then you see how her loss still weighs on him and he shares it with no one, we start to get the picture.
Here's a bit from Medium about it
Atlanta tackled depression beautifully in this episode, but if you take a closer look, they’ve been unfolding this storyline for a while now. Al’s apathetic behavior towards everything from his relationships to his career, to even his phone, has been a major trait in his character this season. It’s easy to miss, what with black men often portrayed and perceived as — and expected to be — stoic, uncomplicated, and unfeeling. Alfred’s aloofness and nonchalance usually makes great for his comedic delivery, and is not necessarily taken as a sign of sadness; but depression doesn’t always look like a bawling fit. It can be very quiet and still.
From his mom's call for him to get up, echoed later on by the dude when he's literally and proverbially lost in the woods.