Gamer Movie: Who is going to see it?

looks watever. i mean story line kinda wack. but looks like alot of action.

and i lol'ed when in the preview the guy said sometihng like
"the last time he kicked this much a## was 300 years ago"
I saw it, it was alright. I liked it better than GI Joe
the ending was completely stupid though, movie all in all was like a meh
wasn't bad but I wouldn't see it again unless it came on TV then would change when a commercial comes on
I saw this last night because my friends and I had absolutely nothing to do (no classes on Friday, weekend starts Thursday for us).

It might have been one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I came into it looking for fun, fast paced action, but was highly dissapointed.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. I was tempted to walk out during it, something I have never done, but I didn't. Dumb move on my part.
the action was "decent" the camera filtering was a interesting take, they had many sterotypes of internet culture that are biased but its a movie youwatch for the hell of it. some intriguing takes on society. i enjoyed it but most people would probably flame it to hell.
This was one of the weirdest movies I have ever had the misfortune of seeing. What was even happening? Action scenes were so quick and the camera was jerky soat points I had no idea what was going on, although I enjoyed the concept the execution just wasn't completely there. Michael C Hall was probably the bestpart of the film.. I enjoyed the 'I've got you under my skin' scene
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