GANGSTARR appreciation thread

May 10, 2009
"Moment Of Truth" is one of those albums that you just let play, no skipping tracks, it just flows. Every song is dope. "Hard to Earn" isthe same way but "Moment Of Truth" is special to me because the album just drops mad knowledge and it came out at a time in my life where i neededthat influence as a young man. Its in my top 10 of all time. Opinions
. one of the reasons i started listening to hip hop.
Originally Posted by geegee

"Moment Of Truth" is one of those albums that you just let play, no skipping tracks, it just flows. Every song is dope. "Hard to Earn" is the same way but "Moment Of Truth" is special to me because the album just drops mad knowledge and it came out at a time in my life where i needed that influence as a young man. Its in my top 10 of all time. Opinions
Moment of Truth album is #3 all time for me after JUST Illmatic and Ready to Die

my personal favorite song ever... 2nd verse is on my wall ("Sometimes You Gotta Dig Deep..." 1:27-2:33 in the vid)

MUCH Appreciated, by far my personal favorite rapper/DJ collabo ever, soo manny classic hits. Unmatched
i started this thread like 4 days ago. i didnt think i was ever gonna get responses. At the same time i seems like most of the people in the music forum areyung cats so im not surprised. Anyway, i love almost everything done by premier. I did like "the Ownerz" as much as the albums before it but its wasstill dope.
you know my steeeze...

but nah...that full clip - double cd w/ moment of truth and gang starr greatest hits is

...been out for years...
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