Gator snatches 2 y/o at Disney Resort #FLLiving

can't imagine the fear/confusion. 

EDIT: of the kid.
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Been searching for that toddler since 9:30 bruh...not trying to be insensitive but man. Hoping for the best, but not looking to good at this point. Sad stuff.
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Damn man.... that's some ****** up ****....

i hope they find the boy just so they can find some closure....
The boy's father ran into the water to try to help, and his mother may have as well, to no avail,  
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News outlets say the gator was between 4-6 feet in length. Here's a video of a 6ft. gator so you can gauge the size of it in comparison to an adult human being. Fast forward towards the middle of the vid. so you can see it out of water and acting aggressively.

VERY SAD STORY... GOD BLESS the family involved.
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What a way to go :smh: A toddler at that

Picture of the lake this occurred on:



The family of five from Nebraska was on vacation and wading in a lake Tuesday evening when the attack happened


The attack happened in an area of the Seven Seas Lagoon where "no swimming" signs were posted, Demings said.

If this is true I think they should throw the book at the parents.
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