gay marriage bill passed in ny .... wonderful

@ ninjahood global (DA)

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

I was in the city today before the Yankee game, and it was crazy. Penn Station was full of people from the parade, everyone with flags and belts, paint of the rainbow...pretty crazy sight to see

did you catch gay?
@ ninjahood global (DA)

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

I was in the city today before the Yankee game, and it was crazy. Penn Station was full of people from the parade, everyone with flags and belts, paint of the rainbow...pretty crazy sight to see

did you catch gay?
did you?

the fight for gay marriage is/was primarily a fight for equal rights.  the author clearly supports that aspect of it:

"Don’t get me wrong. I think Sam should have inheritance/pension/social security rights, be my healthcare proxy, get the tax breaks, be eligible for citizenship, etc., etc., exactly like heterosexual married couples."

the author's resistance is to the use of the term "gay marriage."  i understand his point, although i tend to disagree with him.  
did you?

the fight for gay marriage is/was primarily a fight for equal rights.  the author clearly supports that aspect of it:

"Don’t get me wrong. I think Sam should have inheritance/pension/social security rights, be my healthcare proxy, get the tax breaks, be eligible for citizenship, etc., etc., exactly like heterosexual married couples."

the author's resistance is to the use of the term "gay marriage."  i understand his point, although i tend to disagree with him.  
^ it seems like he just type into google "gays against gay marriage"

because i just did that, and his last 2 links are the first results google provided. the first being 3-4 results away. (after your typical, gay hating "against gay marriage rants)
^ it seems like he just type into google "gays against gay marriage"

because i just did that, and his last 2 links are the first results google provided. the first being 3-4 results away. (after your typical, gay hating "against gay marriage rants)
Originally Posted by Method Man

Due to extreme volatility, we are advising our clients to divest themselves of any stock placed Ninjahood, who is currently at risk of being delisted by the NTSE.  


Billy Ray Valentine (Capricorn)

Duke and Duke Commodities
Originally Posted by Method Man

Due to extreme volatility, we are advising our clients to divest themselves of any stock placed Ninjahood, who is currently at risk of being delisted by the NTSE.  


Billy Ray Valentine (Capricorn)

Duke and Duke Commodities
I'm not understanding the upticks in that graph. Must be momo traders playing on the stupidity of the masses.
I'm not understanding the upticks in that graph. Must be momo traders playing on the stupidity of the masses.
CWrite78 wrote:
^ it seems like he just type into google "gays against gay marriage"

because i just did that, and his last 2 links are the first results google provided. the first being 3-4 results away. (after your typical, gay hating "against gay marriage rants)

At least he did a better job than ninjahood to be fair. Not a single damn was given by ninja.
Yahoo answers? Craigslist? Why not.
CWrite78 wrote:
^ it seems like he just type into google "gays against gay marriage"

because i just did that, and his last 2 links are the first results google provided. the first being 3-4 results away. (after your typical, gay hating "against gay marriage rants)

At least he did a better job than ninjahood to be fair. Not a single damn was given by ninja.
Yahoo answers? Craigslist? Why not.
Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Originally Posted by ilpadrino9

SO now that gay marriage is allowed, why aren't cousins/siblings allowed to marry? or why is polygamy illegal? If it is between consenting adults with no harm to anyone, then why deny them? In the latter cases, there is a law specifically preventing marriage. Talk about inequality and second class status...
I've been wondering what the argument would be. If homosexuals are permitted equal rights, then shouldn't incest and polygamy be permissible and legalized?
incest is one that actually would hurt other people (the baby) if they were to get pregnant
Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Originally Posted by ilpadrino9

SO now that gay marriage is allowed, why aren't cousins/siblings allowed to marry? or why is polygamy illegal? If it is between consenting adults with no harm to anyone, then why deny them? In the latter cases, there is a law specifically preventing marriage. Talk about inequality and second class status...
I've been wondering what the argument would be. If homosexuals are permitted equal rights, then shouldn't incest and polygamy be permissible and legalized?
incest is one that actually would hurt other people (the baby) if they were to get pregnant
is there any proof that incest couples have "faulty (can't think of the right word right now sorry)" children?

also, how close do you have to be related to the person to run that risk?

i know a couple that are first cousins, and nothing is wrong with their child.

the one thing i can see is that, if the family is prone to a certain disease, it will double the chances of the child if it's by a sibling pair.. but still, what are the probabilities of that?
is there any proof that incest couples have "faulty (can't think of the right word right now sorry)" children?

also, how close do you have to be related to the person to run that risk?

i know a couple that are first cousins, and nothing is wrong with their child.

the one thing i can see is that, if the family is prone to a certain disease, it will double the chances of the child if it's by a sibling pair.. but still, what are the probabilities of that?
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Originally Posted by ilpadrino9

SO now that gay marriage is allowed, why aren't cousins/siblings allowed to marry? or why is polygamy illegal? If it is between consenting adults with no harm to anyone, then why deny them? In the latter cases, there is a law specifically preventing marriage. Talk about inequality and second class status...
I've been wondering what the argument would be. If homosexuals are permitted equal rights, then shouldn't incest and polygamy be permissible and legalized?
incest is one that actually would hurt other people (the baby) if they were to get pregnant
so can mating in a small gene pool created by certain religions 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by anotherprodigy

Originally Posted by ilpadrino9

SO now that gay marriage is allowed, why aren't cousins/siblings allowed to marry? or why is polygamy illegal? If it is between consenting adults with no harm to anyone, then why deny them? In the latter cases, there is a law specifically preventing marriage. Talk about inequality and second class status...
I've been wondering what the argument would be. If homosexuals are permitted equal rights, then shouldn't incest and polygamy be permissible and legalized?
incest is one that actually would hurt other people (the baby) if they were to get pregnant
so can mating in a small gene pool created by certain religions 
Originally Posted by Method Man

Due to extreme volatility, we are advising our clients to divest themselves of any stock placed Ninjahood, who is currently at risk of being delisted by the NTSE.  


Billy Ray Valentine (Capricorn)

Duke and Duke Commodities

I yell laughed. So hard it hurt.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Due to extreme volatility, we are advising our clients to divest themselves of any stock placed Ninjahood, who is currently at risk of being delisted by the NTSE.  


Billy Ray Valentine (Capricorn)

Duke and Duke Commodities

I yell laughed. So hard it hurt.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

is there any proof that incest couples have "faulty (can't think of the right word right now sorry)" children?

also, how close do you have to be related to the person to run that risk?

i know a couple that are first cousins, and nothing is wrong with their child.

the one thing i can see is that, if the family is prone to a certain disease, it will double the chances of the child if it's by a sibling pair.. but still, what are the probabilities of that?
from what i understand, and dont get me wrong i havent really looked the subject up or anything, but its not a garuntee but you run a very high risk of your child having problems
and with polygamy it would complicate alot of things if you have men and women both with multiple husbands/wives created giant tangles of marriges. Then say the 1 women get pregnant, but she has multiple husbands so do they dna test for the father? and if they dont eventually people are gonna start sexing cousins they didn't even know were cousins and etc  
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