gay marriage bill passed in ny .... wonderful

Aug 1, 2004
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.

oh yea? how much u wanna bet da same sex marrige bill dies in da bluest democratic NY senate again......

for ever person like you that thinks perpetuating this to da kids coming up now is a "good" thing there's a couple more cats that not only ain't messing with it, but

resent da fact that you're trying to take a religious premise such as "marriage"  and manipulate it to their agenda?...there's a reason da bill includes da clause that no religious

group is obligated to or should feel compelled to marry people they don't feel comfortable marrying...and if it doesn't come up for a vote in da senate its gonna die again.

so u keep thinking that people who got a problem with it don't have a legitimate gripe....

smh @ people comparing da plight of gays of that of race in America.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.

oh yea? how much u wanna bet da same sex marrige bill dies in da bluest democratic NY senate again......

for ever person like you that thinks perpetuating this to da kids coming up now is a "good" thing there's a couple more cats that not only ain't messing with it, but

resent da fact that you're trying to take a religious premise such as "marriage"  and manipulate it to their agenda?...there's a reason da bill includes da clause that no religious

group is obligated to or should feel compelled to marry people they don't feel comfortable marrying...and if it doesn't come up for a vote in da senate its gonna die again.

so u keep thinking that people who got a problem with it don't have a legitimate gripe....

smh @ people comparing da plight of gays of that of race in America.
If this gets them to shut up I'm for it.

I don't care for marriage whether it be gay or straight so this isn't a big deal. Now they have a chance to get pissed off and hate their partners as much as straight people do. The divorce rate will surely increase.

Those Republicans that voted for the bill just cost themselves another term.
If this gets them to shut up I'm for it.

I don't care for marriage whether it be gay or straight so this isn't a big deal. Now they have a chance to get pissed off and hate their partners as much as straight people do. The divorce rate will surely increase.

Those Republicans that voted for the bill just cost themselves another term.
i really dont care, doesnt affect me one bit

but what i really hate are people pretending to give a damn so they can appear to be some sort of freedom fighter when deep inside they dont give a shh
i really dont care, doesnt affect me one bit

but what i really hate are people pretending to give a damn so they can appear to be some sort of freedom fighter when deep inside they dont give a shh
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