Generic Boy problems thread Vol. 2- You Men are difficult

Basically you gotta find yourself a real n'. Somebody who's gonna let you know straight up and down that they're seeing other chicks and that'swhat it is before you get involved. "Love me with your mind girl, not your heart". I almost feel bad for these girlies out here because n's is atan all time low character wise.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i pose another question to you fellas;

what traits make you want to wife a girl rather than just smash and dash? not that i'm trying to be like that i was just wondering.
A woman who is willing. The most powerful words you can say to a man are,

"I want what you want"

But you gotta be selective because the vast majority of these n's is not real and can't handle it when you give them that type of sentiment. Theychoose to abuse it rather than cherish it.
SimplyDimply the TRUTH is that you'll never kno until it happens. All those things that these guys are tellin u dudes STILL do even if theyre tryna justsmash. So just pick 1 u think is attractive and that u have stuff in common wit and let the chips fall where they may. Live it up babe. LOL
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze



Originally Posted by henz0

holla @ me....... problem solved


i sincerely want to thank every one of you for helping me... i was acting like a giddy little girl and now that i've gotten some sleep i'm back to myheartless self.... we shall see
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Firstly, you need to come to terms with the fact that all guys are not created equal. Women make the mistake of labeling certain behaviors as signaling one thing or the other. The only way to see if a guy wants sex or a relationship is by giving him a chance.

I for one am very straight foward I cut girls off after 2 weeks if they don't let me smash. Now this doesn't necessarily mean I don't like the girl, I just don't have the time for all that courtship nonsense. If I smash and it's good, that's my cue to pursue
. Now there are guys who simp and date and buy gifts and wait for weeks and weeks who end up smashing and dashing.

My point is, there isn't a formula for this, you just gotta play the game and be persistent.
ftl. keyword "buy"
Originally Posted by man listen

Basically you gotta find yourself a real n'. Somebody who's gonna let you know straight up and down that they're seeing other chicks and that's what it is before you get involved. "Love me with your mind girl, not your heart". I almost feel bad for these girlies out here because n's is at an all time low character wise.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i pose another question to you fellas;

what traits make you want to wife a girl rather than just smash and dash? not that i'm trying to be like that i was just wondering.
A woman who is willing. The most powerful words you can say to a man are,

"I want what you want"

But you gotta be selective because the vast majority of these n's is not real and can't handle it when you give them that type of sentiment. They choose to abuse it rather than cherish it.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

soooo...typically when talking to a dude i can tell when a guy just wants relations, but i have a hard +$* time trying to distinguish that between a guy wanting a genuine relationship... mainly because i am jaded and think all men only want sex (when i know that there are some guys who actually have feelings)...

anyhow, my question to you gentlemen is how do you treat a girl that you actually like? like one that you'd like to "wife" up or what have you


@ myself
I don't know if this has been covered, but I don't have time to read all the pages.

If you know a guy who's always helpin' you with stuff, and always there being nice to you....good chance that's probably the guy looking for arelationship and not the ol' smash and dash.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13


All women should be respected. Obviously that's far from what really happens.

I basically bend over backwards for the girl. I'm not in it for the sex...Not my bag. At least not til she's the wifey.

Baaaaaaasicaly give her the world.
thats kinda how i feel but the reason why im playing the bachelor cause i dont want to go broke on no girl. gotta get some stabilization first. imbought there though
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

soooo...typically when talking to a dude i can tell when a guy just wants relations, but i have a hard +$* time trying to distinguish that between a guy wanting a genuine relationship... mainly because i am jaded and think all men only want sex (when i know that there are some guys who actually have feelings)...

anyhow, my question to you gentlemen is how do you treat a girl that you actually like? like one that you'd like to "wife" up or what have you


@ myself
I don't know if this has been covered, but I don't have time to read all the pages.

If you know a guy who's always helpin' you with stuff, and always there being nice to you....good chance that's probably the guy looking for a relationship and not the ol' smash and dash.
^^^^ QFT...this person knows what (s)he's talking about.

Unfortunately, that's exactly the type of dude these modern day females hate. That's the type they see as "friend material"and the type society refers to as a "SIMP"...

I believe that's what "Generic Boy Problems thread Vol. 1" revealed...
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