George Bush finally step my day up?

Originally Posted by TryHarder23

I just heard from my pops that in a couple months George bush is going to be giving everybody in america 300 dollars

Max per tax payer is $600 and he's not giving us anything. This is a LOAN for our 2008 taxes. So think of it this way, you get the $600 now and onApril 15, 2009 when you file your 2008 taxes, you get $600 less of a refund. If you don't get it now, you will get an additional $600 next year when youfile your 2008 taxes.
they might as well give us nothing because 600 dollars is not enough to help this economy.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by TryHarder23

I just heard from my pops that in a couple months George bush is going to be giving everybody in america 300 dollars

Max per tax payer is $600 and he's not giving us anything. This is a LOAN for our 2008 taxes. So think of it this way, you get the $600 now and on April 15, 2009 when you file your 2008 taxes, you get $600 less of a refund. If you don't get it now, you will get an additional $600 next year when you file your 2008 taxes.

this is false sir...check the official thread tho...this one is on its way out
This is more money in my pocket for me to decide.....
The question everyday i make when i have 100+ in my pocket.
Originally Posted by TryHarder23

I dont care i just found about it and thought it was awesome, dont care what yall think..
Then why did you make this thread?
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