George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person

May 2, 2012
George Zimmerman has agreed to let anyone kick his *** with zero legal repercussions, after he just agreed to a celebrity boxing match and he says he’ll fight ANYONE even black people.

Celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman threw down the challenge, offering George money to step in the ring. Now here’s the kicker the opponent has NOT been selected.

We’re told George is open to fighting a black person, but the promoter is not discriminating, telling us “We’re not looking at it as a race thing We haven’t discussed purple, yellow, white, black.”

Lately George has been more interested in boxing than guns regularly training in the ring. If you’d like to throw your hat in the ring for the March 1 match, email [email protected].


Ive Sent 4 emails id love to get in the ring with this low life 
i cant believe this is actually happening right now.

this is tacky and says a lot about the wirld we live in. this man is a murderer nd we allow him to parade around and accept celebrity fights ?

this is not right, this should not be allowed. someone has to step up. has the world gone mad.

take care

- much luv, stay freshh !!
Celebrity :stoneface:

Hope he gets beat so bad all the money he gets from the event has to be spent on medical bills.
I hope no one even entertains this, but of course that won't happen. There are going to be other "celebrities" trying to get another 15 minutes of fame that'll feed into this, say they're doing it for Trayvon, etc etc.
I don't understand why people keep feeding into this ****

And only in this country would murdering a black child qualify you for "celebrity" boxing.
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It's a shame that this guy is still running around like he's trying to build a brand or something.
I didn't know George had hands like that, I always figured he could only defend himself with a gun.
somebody type in a cheat code to bring Trayvon back so he can beat the **** outta dude again for the entire world to see.
its obvious dude can't get a job, but no ******g shame or remorse. **** feeding his ego, I would LOVE to see his teeth kicked in.
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