George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person

No legal reprecutions....hmmmm doesn't that sound familiar. 

Real talk though, I'd tell him to eat my d*** as I'm east-side stomping his brain.
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It's sad that Zimmerman even has an opportunity like this to even make money off the death of a young black man.  That being said, if a black person does fight Zimmerman I hope he beats Zimmerman down.............and then beats him down some more.   
I feel like Zimmerman is outta his damn mind. He prolly was already a lil off, but he mite be living with a lot of guilt, or is just a damn idiot. You murdered someone and got off scott free. Now go have a seat somewhere dark and far away...
The irony, a man who felt it necessary to SHOOT an unarmed black teen, agreeing to a 'celebrity' BOXING match?

Please tell me I'm being trolled.
i cant believe this is actually happening right now.

this is tacky and says a lot about the wirld we live in. this man is a murderer nd we allow him to parade around and accept celebrity fights ?

this is not right, this should not be allowed. someone has to step up. has the world gone mad.

take care

- much luv, stay freshh !!
You know its serious when Koudie didnt #SmileyBoy his comment up, None the less this is disgusting 


View media item 776917

The Game will throw his hat in the ring to fight George Zimmerman in the upcoming celebrity boxing match, and he tells TMZ, "I will beat the f**k out of him."

Zimmerman has agreed to the March 1 celebrity boxing match ... the promoter hasn't selected his opponent, but is taking offers at [email protected].

Game says, "I would not be boxing for me. I'd be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family."

The rapper, who has a tattoo of Trayvon on his leg, says, "I would box him to knock him out," adding, "I would definitely take pleasure in it. It's legal, and I want to show him you can solve your disputes without a weapon."

Game would definitely have the edge ... he's 6'5", and 240 lbs of muscle.

Game on.

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