George Zimmerman Rescues Family From Truck Crash

Elephant in the room, but I can't see anyone saying this wasn't murder saying this if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was any other race. If say you would, I don't believe you (murder).
Elephant in the room, but I can't see anyone saying this wasn't murder saying this if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was any other race. If say you would, I don't believe you (murder).

Based on the law he was being prosecuted for, it wasn't. It is what it is.

Can't we all just get along?

Everyone is too ethnocentric for this to ever happen, so no.

I'm sure it wasn't a black family

Exactly my response when reading the thread title.

I wish Katt Williams or Dave Chappelle still did Stand Up Specials. This is the type of situation that would seem perfect for them to talk about.

"Now this ***** just out here saving ************* from fires and ****."

so he can pull folks from vehicles but can't handle scrawny 17 year olds?

makes sense
lol im saying bruh.

You ripping doors off of vehicles like Superman and **** but you supposedly were beat within inches of your life by a weed-smoking scrawny 17 year old?

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