Getting Married Tomorrow vol. Can't Sleep

No one even helped OP out yet

first of congrats and best of luck to you and your bride. secondly you have no need to be nervous. no one will look at you. they'll all be staring at your bride. something will not go as planned; it always does with a wedding. just pray it's nothing major and roll with it.
First off much congratulations and good luck to you OP.

And B, you have to understand that your in the same position as probably a billion men before you who have made this commitment. You gotta think of your small role in terms of the larger whole who have done the same thing as you and felt the same way. That should reduce some anxiety and tension. And you never heard of a groom who ##+%## everything up because of his nervousness.

I'm just like you, I hate being in the spotlight....but you gotta realize something.....WE DESERVE THE SPOTLIGHT. Your probably a nice dude, you helped fund or setup part of this wedding so you should be proud of these accomplishments along with other one's you've made in your life.

Stop thinking about it too much. Stay in the now and do things you need to do/want to do. Go grab a snickers and chill with the homies and crack a couple jokes.
Wish the best for you and yours. Just have fun with it. Its you and your girls moment so live it up.
In the words of Barney Stinson....

"I'm not having jitters. It just occurs to me that once I put this tie on I can never take it off. I have to wear this tie forever, and ever. And sure, this tie is skinny now, but what happens if it gets fat and starts bossing me around? Did I make a mistake, would I have been happier with the other tie?"
I know how you feel OP..I get painfully nervous in front of people when I'm the center of attention..But I swear to you the trick I used when I got married was to focus on my wife's mouth..I played a little game in my head that I'd try to keep her smiling the whole time..So if I'd start to get nervous then I'd try to make her smile by smiling at her or tickling her hand or squeeze her hand a bunch of times to mess with her..And it worked..It gave me something to focus on besides the people staring at me and the thought of screwing up..So just relax and try to think of little silly and unnoticable things to do to distract your mind..You'll be fine..Congratulations and God bless you both..
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