getting my wisdom teeth pulled out friday morning, tips on the recovery?

May 20, 2008
I am getting all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out.  I have not been in any major type of surgery.  Two are impacted, the other two came out fine.  I will be under anesthesia. 
Had all 4 of mine pulled out back in January. Its definitely not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I had little bleeding and swelling, but the first day is the worst.
You won't be able to eat solids for a couple days, but other than that I was cool.
i got mine pulled on a friday morning i went out friday night i just took the pain killers and ate milkshakes
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Had all 4 of mine pulled out back in January. Its definitely not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I had little bleeding and swelling, but the first day is the worst.
You won't be able to eat solids for a couple days, but other than that I was cool.

how did you stop the bleeding?  by biting on a gauze?  I would ask these questions but i dont think i would be capable after the procedure
I went to the dentist about two weeks ago, I couldn't eat for about 3-4 days and had a gause in my mouth (had to change it every hour or so)
Had the same done about 3 years ago..basically it's more annoying w/the constant bleeding. They give you gauzes but you'll be drooling blood the first day'll die down, eat soft foods as to not irriitate it, also food can get caught in the wounds so clean thoroughly..Good Luck!
stay away from rice until you are completely healed. Oh...and general anesthesia is the way to go

the surgery/recovery isn't all that'll be fine.
your cheecks going to be real huge. just keep putting ice on your jaw. and you will get K.O asap with that anesthesia,
Stay awake, it's fun to see them drill your teeth and the smoke coming out.
You're going to have to eat stuff like mashed potatoes, yogurt.

Do not smoke and don't use a straw!

Try to get Vicodin if you can.
Just got mine pulled out this morning. Just stock up on pudding, ice cream and applesauce. Of course take your pills on time. I feel totally regular right now, thank God.
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