Getting yanked or dunked on?

Not trying to knock dude out but he's def getting wrapped up.

Sorry about your ankle though
Indeed. I've wrapped a guy before, that happens. But when people are talking like they give opponents the NFL Blitz treatment while they are in the air it doesn't sit well with me. Old dude really ruined my boosties though. Used to dunk two hands on regulation and catch lobs. I can barely do a one handed dunk now. :( but the jumper is still wet :) and thanks for even mentioning my ankle. It has good and bad days as I've gotten older.
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You and anyone who thinks like that is a punk. Just take that **** like a man and keep it moving. It's merely a part of the game.

Punk for playing hard .... Sit down man

Like I said I'm not hurting dude but I'm holding my own. No "blitz" mode
You and anyone who thinks like that is a punk. Just take that **** like a man and keep it moving. It's merely a part of the game.
Punk for playing hard .... Sit down man

Like I said I'm not hurting dude but I'm holding my own. No "blitz" mode
My bad I didn't know you just meant a wrap up. It just gets under my skin when people think they can just knock someone out the air cuz they're scared of getting dunked on.
My bad I didn't know you just meant a wrap up. It just gets under my skin when people think they can just knock someone out the air cuz they're scared of getting dunked on.

All good my man I ain't trying to injure no one. No cheap shots. Broke my femur due to an idiot so I know how it is.
 Either way most guys my height can't dunk and I got way to much pride to let someone yank it on my head. If I gotta foul you hard and we gonna throw hands after ...... then we gonna throw hands
I understand having pride. We all have pride. I GET THAT. But fouling somone hard just because they're going to bash on you is weak. Wrap that man up. Also I understand you saying you're willing to get 'em up. Having that mentality can get you SERIOUSLY HURT around these parts. You're in a lose lose situation. Should you win the fight, you can never show your face at the gym again for obvious reasons. Should you get packed out, you still can't show up at the gym anymore due to embarassment, being

tagged as a dirty player, and getting beat up again.
I'm pushing a ***** out the air if he tries to dunk on me.

Straight up.

LAWD. I can't play with you, b :x

Naw man, there's getting shook off and then there's getting CROSSED, meaning you're looking the wrong direction, legs all tangled up, you never want to defend that guy again. There's a huge difference

Yeah, a light shake n bake is slight. Just enough to wake you up on defense. Getting shook is just your defender getting you off guard but you still bounce back on defense.

Getting CROSSED or YANKED (as we say over here) is this ***** snatching your ankles and knee's for ransom and you're at his mercy for the remainder of the game. :lol

I have been dunked on and it really didn't bother me. The kid played in the Big 10 so it wasn't a surprise. I can't recall a time that I was crossed up to the point of embarassment
Getting dunked on is a possibility but not trying to avoid getting embarrassed is weak defense. You go up every time. Get in his face. Make him work for every single point. At least that what I was taught....
Id rather keep my pride and get crossed, i gotta story how i got crossed by an NBA player back in elementary but that's for another day lmao
Ite so wayyyy back in the day i think like 04-05 New Jersey holds this basketball camp were all these guys from like k-8 come that play aau go to this basketball/workout/skill camp. I was like in 4th or Fifth grade and it was a lot of guys that have gone d1 came out of that camped, i ended up playing with the older kids because i was bigger so i got grouped with 6th-8th an had to play some cats that were nice. Anyway at the end of the camp they have this 1v1 tourney and the champ wins some nice gear. The games were set up to whoever scores first and keeps their opponent from scoring on their possession move to the next round. Me performing terribly against older kids throughout the camp gets grouped against a one seed. I had to face Kyrie smh, anyway i start out with the ball and i cant dribble so he picks my pocket like it's nothing and now it's sudden death for me. He gets the ball, hits me with a spin move and like a fake step back between the legs so i makw a hard stop to get back on defense then he drives to the basket, i drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I twisted my ankle and had to sit on the side with ice wrapped around my right ankle while all the older guys clowned me, arguably the worst sports experience of my life next to tearing my ACL at a wrestling tournament.
Damn Kyrie gotchu?  I mean it's not that bad, he didn't exactly turn out to be a scrub 
Damn Kyrie gotchu?  I mean it's not that bad, he didn't exactly turn out to be a scrub :lol
yea, he was like in 7th grade at the time, meanest L i took on the court but that is the thing with the NJ bball circuit. There was a lot of big time ball schools and players here before last year. Technically the big time teams are still here but the competition level isnt were it used to be
I took a break from playing basketball for like 3 years. Was 25 at the time. Went out to just shoot around at an outside court by myself, but you really can't do that without some dudes egging you to play a game to fill a spot. So i played.... dude does one of the simplest crosses i've ever seen and I fell back like i was in the matrix. Recovered a few seconds later and stole the ball from. Game was stopped while I had the ball in my hands due to being laughed at :lol |I. First time in my life someone made me fall back (my hand touched the ground to stay up and not fall to the ground completely) Never been dunked on. 28 now and haven't played a game since. Really no desire to. My NBA dream been over. I'd rather just swim if i need good exercise.
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I took a break from playing basketball for like 3 years. Was 25 at the time. Went out to just shoot around at an outside court by myself, but you really can't do that without some dudes egging you to play a game to fill a spot. So i played.... dude does one of the simplest crosses i've ever seen and I fell back like i was in the matrix. Recovered a few seconds later and stole the ball from. Game was stopped while I had the ball in my hands due to being laughed at :lol |I. First time in my life someone made me fall back (my hand touched the ground to stay up and not fall to the ground completely) Never been dunked on. 28 now and haven't played a game since. Really no desire to. My NBA dream been over. I'd rather just swim if i need good exercise.

Damn. Son yanked you out the sport though.
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IDK man it's very easy to prevent a dunk at the guard position. Most dudes aint got Russell Westbrook type athleticism. For me it was all about positioning and I had surprising blocking instincts for my height especially.
 Either way most guys my height can't dunk and I got way to much pride to let someone yank it on my head. If I gotta foul you hard and we gonna throw hands after ...... then we gonna throw hands

I understand having pride. We all have pride. I GET THAT. But fouling somone hard just because they're going to bash on you is weak. Wrap that man up. Also I understand you saying you're willing to get 'em up. Having that mentality can get you SERIOUSLY HURT around these parts. You're in a lose lose situation. Should you win the fight, you can never show your face at the gym again for obvious reasons. Should you get packed out, you still can't show up at the gym anymore due to embarassment, being
tagged as a dirty player, and getting beat up again.

I don't think you understand what I mean by a hard foul. I'm not talking about pushing dudes out the air mid flight. I mean going after the ball with the ferocity as they are with their dunk. The few times it has happened I either touched the ball but not didn't get enough of it for a block, they changed their shot mid air or the body to body contact is considered a hard foul (that of course is not counting the times I've blocked their shot or slapped the ball away). Either way they did not dunk on me, and some decided to get all loud but NON have ever yanked it on me or even tried to come at me with the same shenanigans again.

I remember this one specific time where I was getting back on defense to prevent a fast break and this 6'2-6'3 guy who could literally jump out gym tried to yam it on me. I was backpeddaling and had blocked off his angle to the basket .. So this genius tells himself that he's gonna jump over me with his nuts all up in my face. Instead I timed my jump and got high enough where I got my hand on the ball before he could fully extend his hand for the dunk and blocked his shot. This guy had about 6" in me. I ended up fouling him on accident though with my offhand and I believe I also got part of his hand while blocking this shot. At the time I picked up a bad habit of having my "off hand" against my body after someone purposely used his offhand to elbow me in the ribs ( I couldn't play ball a week after that game when I got elbowed because of the pain)
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@fac3 tak30v312  thanks for clearing that up. I misunderstood you. I thought you were talking like that other guy in here (pushing dudes in the air).

That causes a lot of trouble. By all means I have gotten fouled and fouled someone the way you have described it. I see nothing wrong with that.

That's a fair play on the ball.
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