gilbert arenas' bbm setup

This is the only way this BUM can stay relevant.

Looking back in hindsight I bet Magic fans would of much rather have kept Rashard than this worthless BUM.
Originally Posted by Ozzie Sosa

This is the only way this BUM can stay relevant.

Looking back in hindsight I bet Magic fans would of much rather have kept Rashard than this worthless BUM.

True. That's how I feel at least
Gil is that dude..

a lot of people dont know he still gives out heat for free every week on Twitter. and i dont just mean like random adizeros, like True Blues, Cool Greys, Pennys, Pippens, etc
His mom is dead....

Whatever $ he's lost in endorsements, he'll probably recoup (some of it) with a reality show when his career is over....
This is what a guy who has continuously shown maturity and is playing himself out of the league does.  It it funny? Sure.

Dude is still a loser and this makes him look even more like one.
Originally Posted by DT43

Gil is that dude..

a lot of people dont know he still gives out heat for free every week on Twitter. and i dont just mean like random adizeros, like True Blues, Cool Greys, Pennys, Pippens, etc
i think he's been giving shoes away every day
(with his random trivia questions)...really cool to see an athlete do that.
dude needs to start working on his game....the 07 season he had was a flash of what I thought was more to come.
*+#@ Gilbert Arenas. I replied first with the right answer when he was giving away the Wizards PE version of the Iverson Questions and he gave them to someone else. Then he went into semantics when I said something about it.
Originally Posted by Furrell

*+#@ Gilbert Arenas. I replied first with the right answer when he was giving away the Wizards PE version of the Iverson Questions and he gave them to someone else. Then he went into semantics when I said something about it.
KD did me the same way over some Skull Candy headphones. Them @%@+ cost like 30 bucks anyways, undoubtedly free in his case, he could have given it to me and the other person. I actually was first and had the more thorough answer. The question was about his Gatorade commercial, what is he listening to in his headphones?

Well, he has 2 that start that way and I named both, the artists and the song. Everybody was naming the James Brown but nobody had the other one, and I still beat them.

It's all good though, those are gawdy as hell anyways and I wouldn't wear them.
Originally Posted by Ozzie Sosa

This is the only way this BUM can stay relevant.

Looking back in hindsight I bet Magic fans would of much rather have kept Rashard than this worthless BUM.

the hate is strong with this one
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