::Gilbert Arenas owned HUNDREDS of guns::

gil with the gold .50 cal
Dirty Harry revolver and gold-plated deagle?

It's sounding more and more like the NBA is blowing this out of proportion. I wonder what the other two guns were? Maybe a Davey Crocket musket or a MIBnoisy cricket?
Originally Posted by DMan14

i got a hundred guns, a hundred clips, my name is gilbert, gilbert
And I'll take a dump in your shoes if you talk, you talk
all the guns were legal, right? so whats the problem? a lot of people collect firearms.

the media is just ODing now..
Originally Posted by airkeung88

dude must be a gun collector or something, but too stupid to bring it ino an locker room for showcase.

obviously didnt read...lol...just commented after clicking on thread...
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