Ginuwine Refused To Kiss A Trans Woman On Live TV And Now The Internet Is At War

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So you would hit one just not wife one?
If you don't date them because they were once a man, you do NOT see them as the same thing.

I am not saying you are a wrong or PHOBIC.

You can deny anyone for any reason you decide. I ain't bashing you, I just feel you are being morally dishonest. (Words conflicting)

MMMmmmmmm I see what you guys are getting at. I thought as long as you give them the respect of acknowledging their femaleness that was enough. If just acknowledging it isn't enough anymore I might have to reevaluate how I phrase this from now on.

I guess I wanna say it like this then. I respect their choice, and will address them how they want to be addressed but physical contact maxes out at a hug. I'm not about that Mr. Cee life.
I don't agree with the whole trans thing, while I don't treat them any different or disrespect them I don't agree with it. That's just me, she was completely out of line, as it's been said before she made her choice to be trans and he makes his choice to not date/kiss whatever with them.

Can't bash a man for being hetero when there's a whole community for people that's praised for being gay/trans/etc...
How is Ginuwine even on Celebrity Big Brother UK?:lol:

He did the right thing though. F outta here with all of that "heated Twitter debate" nonsense.
This story should have ended yesterday. My goodness.

I feel bad for some of these journalists who are forced by their management to cover topics that are beneficial for clicks and revenue.
This **** makes my head hurt, smh. He didn't bash transgenders he just said he wouldn't date one. That is his right and it doesn't mean he is transphobic. I would never date a trans person. I'm not attracted to them, where does it say that we have to date everyone who likes us, or makes a pass at us? What happened to preference and choice? You have the right to make whatever changes necessary to make you feel more like your true self. I don't have anything against that, I actually support that. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to look in the mirror everyday and feel like I was in the wrong body, but that doesn't mean I should be open to being intimate with you either. We all have the right to choose what we want and don't want. I don't like fat chicks, tall chicks, skinny anorexic chicks, etc. I'm not attracted to them and I would turn away if they tried to kiss me. The same way chicks don't like short dudes, bald dudes, hairy dudes, fat dudes etc. This agenda is getting old and tired. I can accept you for you, and support your transition but if I refuse your advances now I'm phobic? Give me a break.
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This is just one of those instances where a particular group is hella sensitive for whatever reason.

Kinda like if you say you wouldn't date a dark skinned girl. You can't just chalk it up to preference, lots of them will construct this deeply rooted reason and bring up slavery, issues with your mother and self hatred etc.

Certain demographics are just very insecure.
Kinda like if you say you wouldn't date a dark skinned girl. You can't just chalk it up to preference, lots of them will construct this deeply rooted reason and bring up slavery, issues with your mother and self hatred etc.

During those light v dark conversations I've had women tell me they don't have a preference, of any sort. Passed on the rest of that convo pretty quick
Tired of the fake outrage
Hell no I wouldn’t date a transgender. They made the decision to choose their gender, I make the decision to not date them, respect it and keep it moving.

What’s next, outrage because a homosexual makes unwarranted advances on a heterosexual and now he or she is viewed as a homophobe? Yea ok

bruh same here

your a woman ?
can you have kids ?
no, Not interested.

caveman logic yes , but i wouldn't be honest to myself if i went any other way with it .I have nothing but respect for the trans community , they actually were brave enough to go through with what they believe in and live with all the ridicule and ignorance that comes with them making their choice . But at the same time they need to respect everyone else choice as well without making it something bigger then what it is.
Posted this in the weinstein thread: considering the backlash ginuwine just got, I wonder how people would react if a transgender man tried to kiss a woman and she denied it. Would they be calling her transphobic or would other women cape for her. As much as I hate to bring race into it, gin being a black man definitely plays a part in the outrage whether people will admit it or not. Reminds me of when tristan Thompson kissed that reporter and racists went nuts.
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