Girl lures boy that likes her into a trap and gets killed by gang

Aug 14, 2006

A 16-year-old girl is facing a life sentence after luring a teenage boy to his death in an horrific "honey trap" murder.
Samantha Joseph was found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey for leading smitten Shakilus Townsend, 16, to a quiet cul-de-sac where he was butchered by a masked gang.
The love struck teenager bled to death after being beaten with baseball bats and stabbed six times in a "relentless and merciless attack".

He was besotted with Joseph, from Brockley, south east London, and told his mother he wanted to marry her, but she told others she was using him and treated him like "s***".

While Joseph, who was 15 at the time, was happy for Shakilus to shower her with gifts, she was still obsessed with gang member Danny McLean.

McLean had dumped her when he found out about her relationship with Shakilus but she was prepared to do anything to get him back.

CCTV pictures from the day of the attack in July last year show Joseph wearing a see-through floral dress as she met Shakilus and took a bus with him.

He thought they were on their way to meet her cousin but in fact she was playing a "dangerous double game" luring him to the ambush in Thornton Heath while keeping in touch with McLean by mobile phone.

She laughed as his attackers caught him and began raining down blows with fists, feet and baseball bats before she turned and walked away.

McLean plunged a knife into his chest, raking it across his liver before twisting the blade.

As he lay bleeding to death Shakilus called out for his mother and cried: "I don't want to die."

Joseph, who can now be named after trial Judge Richard Hawkins lifted an order banning her identification, was later seen walking off with McLean.

McLean was wearing a bright orange bandana, worn by the "Shine My Nine" gang to which he and the other attackers belonged.

In court she admitted agreeing to lead him into the ambush so that he could get beaten up but said she did not realise he would be seriously hurt.

But jurors rejected her explanation and she was found guilty of murder along with McLean, 18, of Thornton Heath.

Brian Altman QC, prosecuting, told jurors: "Despite their ages, this attack was pre-arranged and pre-planned, and it was executed meticulously, and with consummate skill and cunning."

Brothers Tyrell Ellis, 19, and Don-Carlos Ellis, 18, from Thornton Heath, were also convicted of murder, together with Andrew Johnson-Haynes, a 19-year-old former public schoolboy from Croydon who played rugby for London Irish.

Two other youths, Andre Thompson and Michael Akinfenwa, both 17, were also found guilty of murder.

Shakilus's mother burst into tears as the jury returned its verdicts.

The defendants were remanded to be sentenced at a later date.

Wth is this world coming too
Originally Posted by knightngale

@ some women

this is why men should not simp though
Exactly, I try to tell these young dudes about simpin, but they'll learn. RIP to dude
I mean don't like cuz so you catch him beat him up and rob him..but doin him like that? Savage
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