Girl Question -> Forgivable?

Originally Posted by sickickz23

she's probably more "outgoing" than you are. Which is scary to think the times she went out to places without you or with her friends.

You're right, "cheating" varies by the person......

If you didn't like what she did and she doesn't think anything was wrong, then there has to be some sort of compromise. BTW u said you broke up with her due to other things. Care to share?

JT Air JT, Nice avy

Yeah, id say she is, And exactly, not a good thought, and if she does not think anything wrong with that.. likely would not remember other times since did notseem bad.

Oh, well we did/doing long distance. And this happened, and now she is back to school. We had our fair share of fights that year. She did some other thingsthat I do not think were acceptable... never cheating.. but we had moved on from that. But mostly because of long distance and what has come from it and whatwe have learnt about each other.
Originally Posted by knightngale

what was her reason for doing that though? it sounds like you did not do anything to make her that angry

I don't know if it is forgivable or not but she sounds immature

imagine what she would do when you are not around

I think part of it was I got mad at her for some guy "friends", but then made this girl friend. However, the guy friends I was mad about openlyadmitted to being interested in her so...

And I do not think she would do more.. I don't. I just think she has a flirty personality but may not realize it, or knows but will not admit it.
well....long distance relationships are usually hit or catching lightning in a bottle. Never tried it but had friends experience that. One dudeended up marrying her, other person, broke up with the guy.....

IMO she's not for you if you want a long term commitment, let alone relationship. Whateva u decide, best of luck....
Originally Posted by sickickz23

well....long distance relationships are usually hit or catching lightning in a bottle. Never tried it but had friends experience that. One dude ended up marrying her, other person, broke up with the guy.....

IMO she's not for you if you want a long term commitment, let alone relationship. Whateva u decide, best of luck....

Thanks, and thanks to the rest of you guys for the help.
i think u should forgive her... people makes mistakes and if you truly think shes sorry then what is there to think about ? ... now if she actually cheated.... thats a whole different story ... cant give up a 2+year relationship over something so petty...
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

i say you test her.
cheat on her back and if she stays she really loves you.
you really loved her so you stayed, now try her fam. perfect solution
Exactly. Play mind games with her.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

i say you test her.
cheat on her back and if she stays she really loves you.

You would consider what she did cheating?

And she says she has never done anything like that before.. but also never been that drunk before.

But ya its just hard knowing that she would do something like that... on any circumstances.
yup. prob did more

but you have been through a lot in 2 years i suppose. so its not really worth ending it without a test.
test her, everyone makes mistakes
No, I was there. I left she came after. Plus there were people there, not like she went somewhere private.


the mario test

skip to 1:04
She may not having been actually doing the physical act, but she was more than likely thinking about it, and imo that's cheating. She been stopped lovingshe's just looking for a reason to break up.
Originally Posted by JoRdAn fEtIsH

i think u should forgive her... people makes mistakes and if you truly think shes sorry then what is there to think about ? ... now if she actually cheated .... thats a whole different story ... cant give up a 2+year relationship over something so petty...
Thanks. Yeah, besides our fights, we get along well. Together we are perfect.

Originally Posted by beezylocks

y are we helping this character, wen he has yet to provide pics??
lol. I told you the thing about the pics. Find her, and somehow get her to do something REALLY bad and ill release them
How old are the both of you? At any rate its never going to work out because you and her have different values. She didn't think she did anything wrong,but im pretty sure she'd drop kick you if the shoe was on ther other foot. But if you get back together, do what she did and see how she reacts.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Well, my girlfriend was talking to a guy (that I guess hit on her at one point). Well anyways I look over and notice her doing the following all very quickly:
1) She is in front of him and both hands are in the air interlocked with this other guy.
2) Her hands on his cheeks.
3) Flirty type behavior
Ain't no way I'm not throwing a a few punches or calling her out when she has her hands on some dude who "hit on her" Imagineall the other times where her hands were on other dudes. Now a days ppl let small stuff like this roll by. Then months or years later it comes back to hauntyou. Find yourself someone that doesn't act childish and get back at you by touching another dude.
Girls can and have done much worse. If you say you're "perfect" together, then get back with her because shes obviously regretful. But you alsosay there are other fights, so there are underlying problems with the two of you. Regardless of what those might be, this incident shouldn't end a solid 2year relationship. And if it did, maybe it wasn't solid?
Real talk though... on to the next one. If she saw you with your hands on another girl's cheeks (either pair) or with your hands interlocked, she wouldconsider it emotionally cheating on her. Imagine what she does when you're not there. Liquor isn't an excuse. (Swizz Beatz) On to the next one on tothe next one (/Swizz Beatz).
i dont know bout that "do it back to her" stuff cause the last thing you need is to make things more complicated when you really trying to fix "what's wrong." But if you can't let go of a grudge how do you plan to make things work? if you end the break, just let her know the 2nd time around... that can't pop off like that.... there's a difference between being friends with someone and it being sooooo platonic vs. flat out flirting..purposely! im sure she likes u enough to wait for u to work it out.. .make her think but dont deceive her!...all in all just don't clutter ur own thoughts on what u wanna do, just listen to ur strong feeling, never lies...
yo let her go. I do the long distance thing and my ex did very similar immature things. Trust she's not going to change her ways no matter if sheapologized.... it's the best thing to let her go. Why deal with a female you got to fight with? Find an older woman that is at her sexual peak, stable, andnot immature
She seems like the flity type, and I believe that you're wrong in assuming that she would never cheat on you. Time to move on homeboy.
well if shes still a good girl and hasnt gone bad hold on to that cuz thats gold....if shes not...once a good girl goes bad shes gone forever....and if therewas alcohol involved then ignore all the things that were said after you review them with her in a sober state of mind. In the future try to avoid going toparties with your gf, go with the boys and youl have more fun.
More important than a pic of the girl (all requests have been hidden as they're inappropriate), is your respective ages because it allows us to put youractions and our advice into a proper perspective.

Her conduct and your description of the relationship both come off as immature so I'd advise putting your relationship into its proper perspective."Love" isn't just a feeling, it's a commitment to action. At your age, this usually feels restrictive, where at an older age, it can beliberating.

If the two of you want to be committed, you'll have to set the foundation and boundaries of the relationship. The foundation is obviously trust. You setthe boundaries and abide by them to build trust. At this point, you don't have trust so, you'll have to set the boundaries and move forward (don'tkeep score) from past transgressions. This is going to involve a lot of talking. It shouldn't be as bad as it sounds. It's no different than discussinghypothetical scenarios in sports.

Beginning by discussing that night is a good starting point. Being friendly is not the same as being flirty. You'll both have to learn the difference whenit comes to each others and your own actions. You'll also want to discuss what you are and aren't willing to accept verbally, "I hate you"obviously belonging in the latter category.

Avoid all games as they only succeed in ruining the foundation (trust).
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