girl trouble


Jan 4, 2008
I know I might be new here, but it seems like you guys would listen to me. I'm having this problem with a girl, we just broke up after going out for about4 monthes. I don't know what to do, I see her with another guy and my heart breaks. This girl was like so tight with me, her friends used to tell me abouthow she would talk about me. I wake up one morning and go to school and she's talking mad trash about me. I don't get it. Does anyone have any advice,should I just forget her or is this it.
Originally Posted by texasreppin713

Well since your new here, in order for NT to make a decision we NEED pics!

you didnt post any either
It might sting nephew, but let that bird go. She popping off at the mouth and all, you dont need that. Just don't pay her attention...Do it right and itmay draw her back to you. Females all just want attention
Originally Posted by rc49ers

I know I might be new here, but it seems like you guys would listen to me.

sorry but this made me literally LOL

how old are you though?
She's under 18, so no pics
I'm 15 yes I know young. It seems like this girl is a two face. Could that be True?
I'm trying to ignore her but it hurts, I can't do that to her, I havent said a word to her in 2 days.
Originally Posted by rc49ers

She's under 18, so no pics
I'm 15 yes I know young. It seems like this girl is a two face. Could that be True?
I'm trying to ignore her but it hurts, I can't do that to her, I have said a word to her in 2 days.

Be a man, this happens to everyone. Just can't stop living your life cause of a girl. You'll understand sooner or later.
Boy her game is tight
, she got your wrapped up. You would probably jump off a building if she told you so.

On the real just give her some space and start talking to other females, she will come around in time. Play the game my man and Play it right.
Originally Posted by texasreppin713

Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Originally Posted by texasreppin713

Well since your new here, in order for NT to make a decision we NEED pics!

shut up avy thief!
Never seen you before....Ive had this for awhile and never seen anyone else with it.

I've had this avy for about 1k postsand that's long before you got here. Get off my swag
Yea I gotta just forget her, If she's gonna be a two face, then she's not good enough to be with me then.
you need to get your heart broken before you get it crackin with NUMEROUS females...and damn i mean alot
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