Girl wants 3 little tattoos, but gets 56

Nov 9, 2001
Translated from Dutch..

Three tattoos requested 56 'received'

Girl files complaint against tattoo artists / body after 'misunderstanding'

KORTRIJK - The 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaeminck from Kortrijk has a complaint against a tattoo artist / body from Kortrijk. "I had asked for three asterisks , but the moron put 56 without my permission on my face!"

'See me sitting here now, I'm ugly. Even maimed! So I dare not quite work. " Kimberley Vlaeminck (18) from Kortrijk 's records. She is in shock. "I don't like it. Really, "she sighs. Sunday she went with her father Diego, her friend and her sister to Tattoo Box in the Stone Gate in Kortrijk. "I have always wanted colored dots next to my left. My father wanted to pay. Because everyone in our family has a tattoo. "

View the photos of the unfortunate Kimberley and tattoo artists / body Rouslain Toumanian

The tattoo artists left hairdresser Kimberley Vlaeminck is to convince asterisks rather than dots. "I told the man that I wanted three."

According to Kimberley communication was not very smooth. "This man spoke only French. And that was a problem: I only speak Dutch and very little English. "

When her family and a friend went out, Kimberley was left behind in the tattoo chair. "That man had a drawing with multiple stars. I had told him that I had only wanted three. But he was busy. Least three times I asked him to stop. But he always said that he still had a little work with colors. And suddenly he asked if the last two big stars also had to paint. I fell from the sky, did not know about the big stars he was talking about. And just at that moment my father came back inside. "

Her father Diego was upset. "I was also not happy. I think that during my entire session as ingedut should be. I was that morning or even at 5 hours to work, "says Kimberley Vlaeminck.

The targeted tattoo artists Rouslain Toumaniantz (37), a Parisian who DIVERTED few months a shop in Kortrijk, waved that argument away. "Sleep when you are getting your face tattooed, that's impossible. Because it just hurts too much. This is a very strange story. This girl has stars requested. And I have given them to her. She was also initially very happy. That only changed when she saw her father. "

The tattoo artists says that he can not correct the mistake. "If they really don't want the star they can use a laser to remove it. But I can not. Because to have such a device is expensive . And I will not pay for treatment. The only concession I would do is give discount. Because they are so dissatisfied, they should pay me 50 euros. That is the cost for four stars. "

Kimberley Vlaeminck Sunday served a complaint to the police. "If that man indeed intentionally made more asterisks than requested on her face, then that is intentional injuries," says Tom Smith, spokesman for the prosecutor of Kortrijk. But perhaps it is a communication disorder or changed the girl feels when her family saw the result. This research should tell. "

The "girl stars" has little meaning in a long process. "These stars will be gone. The sooner, the better. For anyone who sees me it says : if you can not work. I am so not going out. Because I'm ugly. "

more pics here
Chick must have OD'd on vicodin to not feel the needle around her chin & nose
i only read like the first 2 paragraphs of the article, got lazy, then scrolled down and saw the pic

i couldnt read that -_- too hard to understand. haha how did she not know what was going on?
how she sit there and not feel him move all over her face...if it was in the story my bad that $@!% was hard to read...
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Got damn that was difficult to read
That how I felt, I sat there and read the article like

How do you not know that somebody is putting more than 3 tattoos on your face?

Now she looks like a white female Lil' Wayne
I stopped reading and just looked at pic...thats one helluva L

How did she not feel 53 extra going on?

Didn't she say her father took her? Where was he at?
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