Girlfriend expects me to buy her anything

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

wasting money on some ****+ that will be chuggin down multiple cocks once you leave for college.

couldnt had said it any better
DEAD HER. DEAD HER RIGHT NOW... you dont need this at 17, smash and dip.
WaitWut ?wrote:
so my gf was talking to me about buying stuff and she said that she expects me to buy anything for her with out her asking
like she'll grab a few shirts and bring em to the register and wait for me to pay for it all
i told her !%!? ill pay if you ask me or if your short on cash

am i right or wrong wat do?
im 17 and have no job btw shes 16
 Leave her. Save yourself the headache. Besides, y'all just kids. Tell her to ask her father...
All jOkes aside you need to leave her. She is so young and already expecting you to buy stuff. Always remember getting buns is not leverage for her. They enjoy sex as much as we do so don't let a female dangle sex in front of you as a gift.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by tim teufel

What u do from here will determine what kind of man u will be.
so true,  what you have working for you is that your young.  i see dudes in their late 20's early 30's making the same mistakes that they should've learned from when they were around your age.

handle this the right way and you'll know what to do if you encounter this again in the future.

^ Woulda been my exact reaction.
She isn't worth the time, frustration, or money my friend.
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