..:: Girls Drug Parents To Use The Internet ::..

Jul 23, 2012

Shakes were spiked, cops say

Two Placer County teenage girls were arrested for allegedly using drugged milkshakes to knock out the parents of one of the girls so they could log on to the Internet, Rocklin police said.

Internet access at the Rocklin home was routinely shut off at 10 p.m., said Lt. Lon Milka, a department spokesman.

Milka said that on Friday evening, a 15-year-old girl – who had a 16-year-old friend from Roseville visiting – offered to pick up milkshakes from a local fast-food restaurant for her parents.

The parents drank about a quarter of the milkshakes but didn't finish them, saying they tasted funny and were grainy, Milka said.

But the shakes – loaded with prescription sleep aids allegedly provided by the friend – were effective, and the parents quickly fell asleep.

They awoke at 1 a.m. with unexplained hangover symptoms, but went back to sleep. In the morning, with the headache and grogginess still present, they went to the Rocklin police station to pick up a drug test kit, Milka said.

"Many parents buy them and have their kids' urine tested," Milka said. But in this case, they used the $5 kit to test themselves, he said.

When the parents tested positive, they alerted the police, and the girls were taken to juvenile hall.

"The girls wanted to use the Internet, and they'd go to whatever means they had to," Milka said.

What the girls did on the Internet that night is not yet clear, Milka said.

"For our investigation, that wasn't as important as the drugging with the milkshake," Milka said.

It's also unclear whether someone manually shut off wireless Internet access each night at 10 p.m. or it happened automatically.

A little bit of adolescent pushback, as teens begin to express their individuality, is good, said Leslie Whitten Baughman, a child therapist with a practice in Sacramento. But drugging your parents "would not be a healthy level of rebellion."

The 15-year-old told police that her parents' Internet policy was "too strict," Milka said.

Teens often fear being left out of "once-in-a-lifetime" events, which they might experience on the Internet, said Gordon Richards, executive director of EMQ FamiliesFirst, a children's social services nonprofit.

While the alleged actions seem extreme, Richards said it's important to note that the human brain is still developing in teen years – helping to explain the apparent lack of judgment.

Milka said he's never seen anything like the Rocklin case.

The teens were arrested on charges of conspiracy and willfully mingling a pharmaceutical with food.

"If they were adults, they could be facing prison time," Milka said.

He said the girls were arrested as juveniles and that it would be up to the District Attorney's Office to decide if the crime justifies adult punishment. Because the girls are juveniles, their names are not being released to the media.

Milka said he didn't know how long they were in custody or whether they had been released.

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DAmn, they wanted to instagram and facebook that bad?..smh
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^The real funny part about this entire thread is that you last two posters are actually serious about your comments
Teens often fear being left out of "once-in-a-lifetime" events, which they might experience on the Internet, said Gordon Richards, executive director of EMQ FamiliesFirst, a children's social services nonprofit.

This is weird right here....

if anything the internet can wait cause everything is pretty much recorded and is easy to access at a later time

real life is another story. I remember dying to break out of my house to go smash some breezys or try to do some hood rat stuff cause one of the homies had the car for one night. Or that one time you were stuck at home and everyone ran a train on that one girl...

now those are things that are "once-in-a-lifetime" events. That feel when everyone smashed but you didn't cause mom had a strong hold. nostalgia.jpg
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Two teenage girls that wanted to stay on the internet past 10 pm? When I was that age, you know what I did on the net past 10? F*** with females on the cpu and get them to sneak over to my house.. It's obvious they wanted some sausage that night and were gonna get it the best way they knew how. The internet.

You're welcome. 
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