Giving Females Physical $; Yay Or Na?

Oct 13, 2001
Physical $ meaning giving her GREEN stuff ( not this

Have you ever?
Will you ever?
Do you endorse it?
Is it anything wrong with it and why/why not
if she hits you off with cash, why not.

aint nothing wrong with giving her cash provided she gives you cash...

now if you trickin kicks/$ for head/(), you's a trick. and females know this.

i done heard all the podcasts before but i know where you're going with this

"If she likes you, she'll pay for you/pay you/buy you things"
. i dunno if ya'll have seen this, but the majority of the females saying they wouldnt buy a guy stuff are usually single or broke or both....
Really any girl to be honest; I will allow you to create whatever situation and answer accordingly.
be cautious. these girls may get use to it. Once or twice but if she doesnt offer to pay every once in awhile let her know early i got no money on me.
Every morning before I leave for work I kiss my girl on the forehead and tell her bye....sometimes ill ask her if she needs some cash....more than likely shewill say no but a couple times ill hand her a 20 or so....shes my lady....
but the majority of the females saying they wouldnt buy a guy stuff are usually single or broke or both....
Males too.

If she's your girl, there's nothing wrong with looking out.
Cash for sex? Or just giving out cash in general to females? If it's the latter, then the answer should be simple. If you need to question whether or notto give cash to a friend then you probably shouldn't.
I take care of my lady, she's the mother of my child. so when she needs I give... But she dont ask often so I dont mind hitting her off with some pocketchange
As stated before, if it's your girlfriend, wife or even relative, there should be no problem... to a certain extent.

As for complete strangers, the most I would do/have done is pay for drinks or dinner and that's if they didn't ask.
I keep em broke

Wake up one morning with some money they're subject to go crazy you know?

I keep em lookin good, pretty and all that you know....

but no dough!!!!
I find this ironic. My current bf. Always asks me do I need lunch money, or gas, or pocket change. I've always had the innate responsibility of being aprovider from my upbringing. My father always took care of me and instilled in me that I didn't need a man to be there for me financially. And that'sthe mentality I live my life by. I don't ask any man for money or anyone for that matter. So whenever he asks do I need this or that? I would always belike no thanx. Until one time he just kirked out on me lol. He was like you never want anything I offer. You don't even let me take care of you. At first Ithought he was joking. But he was very serious. I guess it is a pride thing with mature men…anyhow now if he offers ill ask for a low denomination like 20 or10 and just slip it back in his coat pocket or truck just to shut him up. lol

me on the other hand. i just couldn't be with a guy who needed money from me...if i can provide for myself..he needs to be able to do the same. now thatdosen't mean i wouldn't treat him or buy him gifts. and all. because i love spending money on people if they deserve it.
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